[SEC/MECH/FUN] PreciousStones - Block Area Proteciton System [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by phaed, Jan 18, 2011.

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    ALTER TABLE pstone_fields ADD COLUMN `packed_allowed` text AFTER `name`
    Re-Download, should be fixed.

    Tomorrow I will further refine the way snitch lists are saved. Rather than saving the text verbosely, I will make it only save a coded version like instead of:

    A&6Phaed|A&4Block Break|A&fDIAMOND_BLOCK [43 34 234]

    It would save:

    Phaed|BB|{57}[43 34 234]

    Which would then be converted to the above format for display.

    Ill add an automatic converter to retroactively convert all old snitch lists to the new format. This should make the queries much more streamlined.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  3. Offline


    Well Phaed, that has done it. Preciousstones is running smoothly, the entire server is elated it's fixed and we didn't move to some lame chunk protection system.

    I owe you a debt of gratitude :) .

    EDIT: Just saw your update about snitch logging. Awesome.
  4. Offline


    yw :)

    Change log
    Version 5.2.1
    • Fixed: Critical bug when using GriefRevert fields. Upgrade ASAP

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  5. Offline


    Your website is down? no downloads work
  6. Offline

    Leon Philips

    Does this support multiworld??
  7. Offline


    Yes, of course.
  8. Offline

    Leon Philips

    Ooow, damn what am I doing wrong??:confused: Every time I try in my second world /ps I see:
    Syntax error

    what to do ?? :'(
  9. Offline


    Did you made permissions for the second world?
  10. Offline

    Leon Philips

    OH!! stupid! I forgot my Own rank :oops: !
    never mind :cool:
    thx @staniboy !
  11. Offline


    /ps visualize possibly still broken...when /ps visualize it is only saying that it is generating visualization...but no actual visualization comes out....

    And here is another cool future you can add : make plugin check user permission nodes before printing out /ps ( i'm pretty sure its already does that...) and hide for example /ps visualize or setradius from /ps (help right?) if user doesn't have node for it... the less they know the better it is sometimes :D
  12. Offline


    It already does this.
  13. Offline


    My bad I thought it's makes it red in the list when it's unavailable...(seen it once when visualize wasn't available)
    Great job on this plugin man...You are really doing some intense active development here :D 215 for peace ;)

    Hm its seems that scoping doesn't work...whenever I click on protected area with block for scoping it's says that there is no fields overlapping... but it's actually happening in protected field

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  14. Offline


    Thank you for great plugin!

    What do you think about adding functions like expire-date for protection blocks?

    My server is not crowded.. but there are little land to build..
  15. Offline


    Was actually entertaining this idea. But it would work based on player inactivity, so if the owner hasn't shown up for x days all his pstones become unprotected. I'll add it on future version. My personal todo list looks like this:
    • Look into scoping and visualize bug reports
    • Change snitch list db save format
    • Add iConomy support
    • Add pblock purging based on player inactivity (default 45 days)
    goldseed likes this.
  16. Offline


    Did something happen to the anti-explosion field? before 5.1 it would let the creeper explode but the explosion wouldn't damage the terrain. When I updated to 5.1.1 my players started reporting that the creepers inside those fields would just walk up to them and stand there waiting to be killed. Same thing in 5.2.2. Anyone else having this problem or did something change in the way that one works?
  17. Offline


    can you confirm that the field has the prevent-explosions flag?
  18. Offline


    If there wasn't a toggle mode, would you put one? It would be nice to have a mode where you could put normal blocks and then toggle it so that you could put the precioustone version of that block without the non-toggled getting transformed.
  19. Offline


    yep here are the 2 fields that we have that use it

    -   title: Platinum Deed
        block: 73
        radius: 64
        breakable: true
        custom-height: 129
        prevent-fire: true
        prevent-place: true
        prevent-destroy: true
        prevent-explosions: true
        prevent-flow: true
        nameable: true
    -   title: Anti-Explosive Fortification
        block: 49
        radius: 32
        breakable: true
        custom-height: 65
        prevent-explosions: true
        no-conflict: true
    and i have tried removing the field and the creepers blow up like normal then
  20. Offline


    same thing
  21. Offline


    That's how /ps on and /ps off work. /ps on, your blocks placed, if precioustones, will generate fields.

    By using /ps off , any blocks you place will NOT be preciousstones fields.
  22. Offline


    Running precious stones plugin on mysql .
    Suddenly see errors for some reason in the consol
    java.sql.BatchUpdateException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Resource Cave (of Doom)', packed_allowed = '', packed_snitch_list = '' WHERE x' at line 1
        at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeBatch(StatementImpl.java:1065)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.data.mysqlDatabaseHandler.closeBatch(mysqlDatabaseHandler.java:111)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.data.mysqlCore.closeBatch(mysqlCore.java:87)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.StorageManager.processQueue(StorageManager.java:801)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.StorageManager.access$200(StorageManager.java:33)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.StorageManager$2.run(StorageManager.java:774)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:137)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:438)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Also getting this error too:

    java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Duplicate entry '434-104-458-world' for key 'uq_pstone_fields_1'
        at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeBatch(StatementImpl.java:1065)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.data.mysqlDatabaseHandler.closeBatch(mysqlDatabaseHandler.java:111)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.data.mysqlCore.closeBatch(mysqlCore.java:87)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.StorageManager.processQueue(StorageManager.java:801)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.StorageManager.access$200(StorageManager.java:33)
        at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.StorageManager$2.run(StorageManager.java:774)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:137)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:438)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    is there a way to fix this?? Server still running and I dont think anybody aware of it. Just trying to see if these type of errors create extra lag or if there is a way for me to fix this.
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    hmm shouldn't be.

    First one was fixed a few versions back. You should upgrade to latest.

    Second one is not a bug, its a rejected duplicate entry. Those happen when for instance, you place a pstone down then you break it with superpickaxe leaving the orphan field behind, then place another pstone on the same spot. Then when it comes time to save two pstones with the same coordinates are sent to the database. The second one will be rejected. You can see in the error it shows you the coordinates: "Duplicate entry '434-104-458-world'"

    I think its a change in bukkit, when you cancel the explosion event, now the creepers actually do not explode. I'll see what I can do about that.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  25. Offline


    Maybe I missed something, but is there a way to have /ps off by default?
  26. Offline


    philulrich likes this.
  27. Offline


    Thanks for quick response...
    I thought I already had the latest version, but I will re download it and install, see what happens.
    Any ideas how to get rid of the duplicate entry at this point??? Easiest way possible please, lol
  28. Offline


    You don't have to, it was rejected and never made it to the database. All is good.
  29. Offline


    the command /ps delete <name> say "Syntax error".
  30. Offline


    Sorry for nooby question, but is there a way or me to secure a island with a border to keep new players in and lower griefing, without having loads of blocks forming a grid around them? :S sorry if is bad question.
  31. Offline


    I would suggest you use WorldGuard for protecting large areas defined by your server staff, and let the players build their own protection with PreciousStones.
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