[SEC/MECH/FUN] PreciousStones - Block Area Proteciton System [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by phaed, Jan 18, 2011.

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  1. Offline


  2. Offline


    Thank you so much! I can't be happier :D I switched over to your plugin from WorldGuard as I wanted more self service friendly plug-in and PS comes out to be the best solution possible!
  3. Offline


    Change log
    Version 5.0.6
    • Added: entry-alarm field flag. Alerts all allowed players of a field when a non-allowed player enters it.
    • Added: prevent-use field flag. A list of block id's that non-allowed players will not be able to use inside the field
    • Added: Ability to allow/allowall/remove/removeall multiple players eg: /ps allow ben jerry carmichael benito
    • Added: Visualizations now omit the partitions inside overlapped fields, showing you one large space rather than subdivided spaces
    • Fixed: Orphans for the default world weren't being cleaned on server restart
    • Fixed: Forrester placing bug
    • Fixed: Made forrester shrubs sparser, a lot more realistic
    • Fixed: Grief Revert now reverts all pending reversion from all overlapped fields
    • Fixed: Grief Revert now reverts attached blocks correctly (torches, sigs, etc)
    • Fixed: Concurrency exceptions on schedulers
  4. Offline


    could you add an option to allow the use of pistons but at your own risk?
  5. Offline


    It seems to me that i can't prevent-use wooden door.... also areas when visualize (and actual too) appear to be 1 block higher...however the info saying 9x9x9 for example instead of 9x9x10...this is happening without custom-height of course.
  6. Offline


    use the item id also, or the name as stated in the bukkits java docs
  7. Offline


    I did that ;) Yet it is doesn't work. I can open/close some one else doors on protected field with the flag on prevent-use: [324] another thing is that when you add items in config sometime plug-in would rewrite them in such a manner. (Double standard?)

    - 324
    - etc

    or for example

    - 280

    P.S I didn't had any admin or op permissions at the time of testing on 953...
  8. Offline


    Wooden door is 64.

    Yea lists have 2 ways. The yaml parser inside bukkit likes to do them as - lists rather than [].
  9. Offline


    Sooo Phaed....I'm leaning towards pstones causing some of my readtimeout errors. Remember how I said before that when I reloaded/started/stopped server it would take ages to tag the fields?

    Same thing happening,
    Here's on stopping the server.... http://pastebin.com/06sYLm9K

    Here it appears the read time outs are happening right as PS is saving. http://pastebin.com/rAksFpUc

    Annnnd on startup...
    2011-07-10 19:05:39 [INFO] [PreciousStones] version 5.0.6 loaded
    2011-07-10 19:05:39 [INFO] [PreciousStones] configured fields: {1}
    2011-07-10 19:05:39 [INFO] [PreciousStones] MySQL Connection successful
    2011-07-10 19:05:48 [INFO] [PreciousStones] world fields: 87,866
    2011-07-10 19:05:48 [INFO] [PreciousStones] world unbreakables: 0
    2011-07-10 19:06:04 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:07 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:08 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:08 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:09 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:09 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:10 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:10 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:10 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:14 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:15 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-10 19:06:18 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-10 19:06:22 [INFO] [PreciousStones] world orphan-fields: 0
    2011-07-10 19:06:22 [INFO] [PreciousStones] world orphan-unbreakables: 0
  10. Offline


    It seems too me that even when i click on the block outsiDe the field to check protection it would say that land is protected by a far away block... witch would be incorrect...when visualize it's showing actual "right" size. I think something wrong with protection size...

    update: it's claims that its 9x9x9 but its letting me to /ps visualize from far far away and it actually would visualize "right" 9x9x10 ( remember +1 block bug? for some reason protection gains 1 extra block on top...for example it would be 5 instead of 4 on top...if radius - 4) but if checked with tool the actual size is much bigger....

    radius appears to be 45 instead of 4...

    Also u have misspelled word "again" - "agian"
  11. Offline


    I believe estonich is right. You see by the time PS reports "world fields: 87,866" It has already loaded all 87k of them into memory. The count is displayed *after* the loading. It seems to load all of the 87k in milliseconds, which seems appropriate as 87k pstones is nothing, some servers have millions. So I got to thinking what the heck is happening after the loading of the pstones "world fields: 87,866" and before the checking for orphans"world orphan-fields: 0".

    Then realized that the orphans happen on world load. And data saves on world unload. I believe your problem has to do with, like estonich said, Multiverse, not PS.

    I have also been getting these RTOs and my world only has something like ~2k pstones. I am also running MultiVerse and get sporadic errors on PLAYER_MOVE events. (Why does a multi-world loader need to check every move event?). I am going to try to find a replacement to see if it stops the RTOs.

    Edit: Estonish appears to have deleted his post where he said he had the same RTO problems and they were solved by removing MultiVerse.
  12. Offline


    I read it before he deleted it Phaed and saw what he said.

    But I don't run multiverse.........hmmmm?

    I'm having no errors in the console except for the RTO's.
  13. Offline


    Odd, do you run multiple worlds? What CB version are you on?
  14. Offline


    No multiple worlds, nether disabled.

    Running cb977
  15. Offline


    Hmmm could it be the check for orphans? Do you get RTOs when you do /ps clean?
  16. Offline


    The server hung up for about 30 seconds, but didn't show RTO's in console.
  17. Offline


    Ok, that's way too long, that could very well be causing your RTOs when the world data needs to be read/written on server load/unload. Next version later today is gonna have automatic cleaning. Rather than iterating through all the pstones together on server load/unload, what im going to do is have it check for orphan as each pstone is used. This way they are automatically cleaned as they are encountered and it will get rid of that 30 second lag. You will still be able to do a wholesale cleaning of orphans with /ps clean.
  18. Offline


    Looking forward to it! It doesn't seem we're the only ones encountering these RTOs, as I've read many posts in the general Bukkit Help about this too. Hm.
  19. Offline


    BTW Thanks for helping Foxy with this!

    I really appreciate it as we have been dealing with this issue for a couple days now.

    You can expect a donation from me. We really appreciate your help and this plugin =D

    Donated $20

    Thanks again for the work!
  20. Offline


    I'm sorry Urahara-sama but any thoughts about wrong protection field size? :( Big fan
  21. Offline


    LOL, you recognized the pic too? xD

  22. Offline


    Is the last line here deprecated? I think I tried removing it since I didn't see it in the current .zip config but it seems to be haunting me:

    Also, wow... the plugin .jar file size is half of what it used to be now. Streamlining things? :p

    I just noticed a number of these errors in my log. I think someone may have been trying to use /ps allow when it came up, but that's only a guess.

    It almost looks like it's having trouble with the apostrophe: syntax to use near 's Area' (<that drops everything before it)

    This should be the db row it was having an issue with:

    287 651 14 761 bland2 40 40 0 57 The_Albino The_Albino's Area

    I was on (what I was calling ) 5.0.5c, that last version you gave me the other night to fix the right-click issue. I've updated to 5.0.6 before restarting. I'll let you know if I see it again.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  23. Offline


    That's exactly what it is, not escaping quotes, will be fixed on next version.
  24. Offline


    Phaed! Can we chat ASAP? Thanks.
  25. Offline


    I'm having an issue atm where 1 user in particular can't see the Entering/Leaving messages but I can. I demoted myself to his level and I still could but he still could not. This was after a reload which we did since we noticed the a (or all) healing block wasn't working.

    Also, "/ps info" is showing me many many many fields that are far away.
  26. Offline


    this looks cool how does it work?
  27. Offline


    Change log
    Version 5.1
    • Added: New method to clean up orphan when a field is retrieved for use (rather than iterating the whole collection on world save/load)
    • Added: New method for saving, db saves/updates/deletions are batched as they happen and sent every x seconds (rather than iterating the whole collection every x minutes) configurable in settings.
    • Added: preciousstones.admin.allowed permission which allows an admin on all fields
    • Added: preciousstones.admin.visualize permission, makes admins /ps visualize command show all fields in the area owned by anyone
    • Added: /ps visualize to the /ps menu, it was missing
    • Fixed: Huge bug introduced in 5.0.6 affecting all fields (/ps info, launchers, cannon, etc)
    • Fixed: Now escaping quotes on field names
  28. Offline


    I just tested the new version and unfortunately it rendered the server unplayable. each time it was sending the batch to the DB, it would hang up for 10 seconds where nothing would happen.

    I'm back down to 5.0.6...which I am scraping by with because I set the save-time to 120 minutes. Thoughts?
  29. Offline


    Hmm let me see what could be the prob. Go down to 5.0.5 in the meantime.

    I'm going to add some debugging output to take a look at exactly what is happening in your server to try to optimize the way the saves are handled.

    Also im gonna put the saving process on a separate thread so it does not block the minecraft thread, that should speed things up for you quite a bit.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  30. Offline


    Super, looking forward to it. Thanks Phaed!
  31. Offline


    Ok, try out 5.1.1. While you are running it type /ps debug to see the queries being sent to the db on the console.
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