[SEC/MECH/FUN] PreciousStones - Block Area Proteciton System [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by phaed, Jan 18, 2011.

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  2. Offline


    This is on purpose by request. To aid community building.

    I have heard of this issue and it is being addressed soon.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  3. Offline


    Fantastic! Thank you very much.
  4. Offline


    Is anyone having an issue where players remove a precious stone then place a torch in its spot and it activates the field so they remove it and it gives them that ps? People are able to turn a stack of torches into a stack of precious stonese. This obviously is no good and I haven't seen anyone post this problem yet so I thought I would ask if anyone else can get this to happen. I am running recommended 531 with ps 2.8.3.
  5. Offline


    Haven't heard of this, cant think how it could be possible. Have you tried this are you able to reproduce this?

    Change log
    Version 2.8.4
    • Added preciousstones.bypass.snitch to bypass showing up on snitch lists
    • Fixed glowstone bug
    • No more /ps help, now /ps shows the help

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  6. Offline


    uh I just tried in the spot where a player reported it happened but I wasn't able to recreate it but i couldn't place his ps back so i will have to wait for him to get back on to see if he can do it I also restarted the server so that may have done something but he is not the only player to report this. I am wondering if one of my plugins has a memory leak causing havoc on other plugins. here are the plugins im running just in case you know of some off the top of your head.


    I just saw you updated I will try update as well.
  7. Offline


    Thanks for that explanation. Any updates about the the placement/removal of redstone wire, torches and the issue with accessing chests?
  8. Offline


    Glow of life, Entry Bouncer and Proximity Snitch work brilliantly!
    City Protect, Jack-O-Death, Air of Atlantis and Peace Keeper not working.

    I use this plugin with ops.text list thanks for implementing it.
    This is a brilliant plugin thanks for all the hard work you've put into it
  9. Offline


    :eek:? This is the first time I hear of any of those not working :eek:. Maybe to do with ops.txt code. Can you post your pstones config.yml (post inside a code block on the forum pls). Also When you place these does it tell you "Placing force-field...."? After you place it, when you right click on it with a tool in hand, does it tell you the details of the pstone? Does it show up on /ps info? Does the force-field type show up in /ps fields?

    Off the bat, I can tell you that your essentials/worldedit/worldguard combination is killing your server. Remove the horrid beast that is essentials, and try to find replacement plugins for its functionality. I removed it from my server and all my block lag was gone.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  10. Offline


    Essentials is bad?
    Whats wrong with it?
    And more importantly, do you know of a solid alternative?
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    does not tell details does not show up in force fields .txt
    my plug in list
    BigBrother - [SEC] BigBrother 1.6.3: A Complete Griefer Logging + Rollback Package [440] | Bukkit Forums
    PumkinDiver - [MECH] PumpkinDiver [v0.14] [400+] | Bukkit Forums
    Lockette - [SEC] Lockette v1.2.2 - Simple sign-based chest lock, no databases! [323-464+] | Bukkit Forums
    Spawnr - [FIX, TP]Spawnr v1.3 - Modifying your spawn point. [356+] | Bukkit Forums
    Gate - [MECH] Gate v0.1 - half-door gates for fences [453] | Bukkit Forums
    SignReadMore - [GEN] SignReadMore v2.1 - Sign post/Bookshelf linked to read more textfile[412] | Bukkit Forums
    Help - [INFO] Help 0.1: The smart /help menu [440] | Bukkit Forums
    Stargate - [TP] Stargate v0.17 [Beta] - The Bukkit port. A portal plugin [b53jnks][b439jnks] | Bukkit Forums
    Simpleprotect - [SEC] SimpleProtect v? - [144-148+] | Page 6 | Bukkit Forums
    Vanish - [ADMN][SEC] Vanish v1.5 - CraftBukkit Only [431] | Page 6 | Bukkit Forums
    PowerArmor - [MECH] PowerArmour v0.1.1 - Supercharge your armour abilities! [477]
    OtherBlocks - [MECH] OtherBlocks v0.5 - Customize what broken blocks (and dead mobs) drop! [477]
    RealShops - [ECON] RealShop v0.37 - Shop using chests (iConomy or standalone mode) [493] | Bukkit Forums
    Itemid - [INFO] ItemId - 1.12 - Returns item id for easy reference | Bukkit Forums
    NoExplode - [SEC] NoExplode v1.2 - Disable explosions! [493] | Bukkit Forums
    CommandSighns - [MECH]CommandSigns v0.15 - Issue commands using signs [493] | Bukkit Forums
    CommandHelper - [MISC] CommandHelper [2.0.1] - Command aliases! Repeat last command! 1.3 ready | Bukkit Forums
    NoCheat- [SEC] NoCheat v0.6.4 - Detect and Fight the exploitation of various Flaws/Bugs in MC [#493] | Bukkit Forums
    PhilosophersBox - [FUN/MECH] Philosopher's Box v1.3 - Item conversion based on defined values. [432+] | Bukkit Forums
    OtherBlocks - [MECH] OtherBlocks v0.6.1 - Customize what everything drops! Now with MultiWorld support! [499] | Bukkit Forums
    MagicCarpet - [FUN] MagicCarpet v1.4.4: Take yourself wonder by wonder [480] | Bukkit Forums
    LWC- [SEC/MECH] LWC v1.63 - Lightweight Inventory Protection & Management [493+] | Page 50 | Bukkit Forums
    PreciousStones- [SEC/MECH] PreciousStones v2.8.3 - With the new Proximity Snitch pstone!! [522] | Page 18 | Bukkit Forums
    CreatureBox- [Fix/Misc] creaturebox v 0.5.1 - Make creature spawners tradable [522] | Bukkit Forums
    SpawnMob- [ADMN/FUN] SpawnMob V1.8 Support for Ops.txt!! [531] | Bukkit Forums

    2011-03-17 10:49:01 [INFO] [PreciousStones] version [2.8.4] loaded
    2011-03-17 10:49:01 [WARNING] Corrupt unbreakable: sec1 line 1
    2011-03-17 10:49:01 [INFO] [PreciousStones] loaded 0 unbreakable blocks
    2011-03-17 10:49:01 [INFO] [PreciousStones] loaded 8 forcefield blocks
    2011-03-17 10:49:02 [INFO] [PreciousStones] 'Help' support enabled

    bypass-blocks: [39,40,51,59]             # mushrooms, fire, crops
    unbreakable-blocks: [41]                 # gold
    unprotectable-blocks: [54,58,61,62]      # chest, workbench, furnaces
          title: "Electric Gaurdian"
          block: 88
          radius: 5
          breakable: true
          slow-damage: true
          title: "Air of Atlantis"
          block: 18
          radius: 10
          give-air: true
          title: "Glow of Life"
          block: 89
          radius: 5
          breakable: true
          slow-heal: true
          title: "Proximity Snitch"
          block: 47
          radius: 5
          snitch: true
          title: "City Protection"
          block: 57
          radius: 20
          custom-height: 15
          prevent-fire: true
          prevent-place: true
          prevent-destroy: true
          prevent-explosions: true
          prevent-unprotectable: true
          guard-dog: true
          nameable: true
          welcome-message: true
          farewell-message: true
          title: "Entry Bouncer"
          block: 22
          radius: 5
          prevent-entry: true
          prevent-fire: true
          prevent-place: true
          prevent-destroy: true
          prevent-explosions: true
          prevent-unprotectable: true
          guard-dog: true
          title: "Peace Keeper"
          block: 19
          radius: 10
          prevent-pvp: true
          prevent-fire: true
          prevent-place: true
          prevent-destroy: true
          prevent-explosions: true
          nameable: true
          welcome-message: true
          farewell-message: true
        entry: false
        fire: true
        pvp: false
        place: false
        destroy: false
        destroy-area: false
        unprotectable: true
        bypass-pvp: true
        bypass-delete: true
        bypass-destroy: true
        bypass-unprotectable: true
        conflict-place: true
        place: true
        destroy: true
        bypass-place: true
        bypass-destroy: true
        bypass-unprotectable: true
        guard-dog: true
        entry: true
        fire: true
        pvp: true
        place: true
        destroy: true
        destroy-area: true
        unprotectable: true
        instant-heal: true
        slow-heal: true
        slow-damage: true
        give-air: true
        public-block-details: true
        allowed-can-break-pstones: true
        sneaking-bypasses-damage: true
        drop-on-delete: true
        disable-alerts-for-admins: true
        disable-bypass-alerts-for-admins: false
        off-by-default: false
        frequency-minutes: 5
        purge-backups-after-days: 7
  13. Offline


    Have you done any testing on this so far?

  14. Offline


    How does the loading of the forcefields work? Does the world need to be loaded for them to work? If thats the case then I know why my nether and other world's ps fields aren't loading. I use serverport for my multi-world and i think it loads after ps does. Is there a way to make the world load first or make the forcefields load a little bit later (if that even matters)?

    Also would it be possible to allow any of the fortification blocks to overlap with any field. The only ones that should really matter about owner are the build /anti build ones and it is causing problems with some of the towns that have house close to each other. they can't place an anti fire cause it will interfere with someone elses antibuild block when it could benefit them both. Maybe make it an option that can be set in the config?
  15. Offline


    Is there any way to turn off the overlap function? Ultimately it would be awesome if you could set it to work for some and not for others, IE in my server I have a homeproctection block and a townprotectionblock and it would be good if the townprotectionblocks had overlap enabled but homeprotection didn't. That's a lot of work I'm aware so even just an on/off global setting in the config would really help.
  16. Offline


    Hmm could be a possiblity. Though I dont see it happening any time soon, I have so much in my TODO list already and so little time to do anything. Thought PS is opensource so you can send me a pull request if you manage to code the functionality yourself.
  17. Offline


    can u make a anti teleport zone block/property
    and maybe make it react on redstone so it can go on and off
  18. Offline

    Bill Warner

    is there something wrong with my config. None of my overlapped forcefields are unified for anyone except the person that placed them. I have 4 stones as additional protection and a way to name my spawn castle. For the admin that places them and sets the name /ps setname Spawn Castle, they only get the message once while entering/leaving. Everyone else gets it 4 times entering and 4 times leaving?!?

    is that expected? a bug? or operator error?
  19. Offline


    Bug, this will be fixed on next version. Hold tight.
  20. Offline


    I have a problem. Whenever someone tries to place my special block, they cannot. Whatever they place it on it says "Cannot protect X" Do you know the problem? This is really annoying. Also it works for me, and I am OP.
  21. Offline


    Depends on your settings
  22. Offline


    Only problem I'm having is being repeatedly notified that the area I'm in is protected along with the coords. This mainly happens when I'm inside my own protected area and using worldedit to change something. It's not a big deal at all, just thought I'd bring it to your attention. :p
  23. Offline


    Even with some of the blocks not working this is still one of my favorite plugins.
    Keep up the great work.
  24. Offline


    my settings are default.
  25. Offline


    Change log
    Version 2.8.5
    • Fixed bug where welcomeand farewell messages showing multiple times in overlapped fields
    • Fixed bug where /ps delete admin command would only let you delete fields you owned
  26. Offline


    Not too sure if I can get the snitch working. I am using Craftbook which makes shelves readable, so I'm assuming there is an incompatibility. Hope this helped.

    EDIT: Fixed it on my end by making the block a jukebox. I like the fact you need a diamond for a snitch
    EDIT2: seems not to work with the jukebox either. What exactly is the function supposed to be, chat alerts or an on-click report?
  27. Offline


    Wow that's a good idea.

    This is actually a configurable setting:

    allowed-can-break-pstones: true

    Change log
    Version 2.9
    • ProximitySnitch is now jukebox to make it harder to create
    • changed /ps snitch clean to /ps snitch clear
    • Right-click on snitch block now shows the list
    • Proximity snitches are now individual, no more overlapping
    • Added reasons to Proximity snitch (Entry, Block Place, Block Destroy, (block) Used)

    Proximity Snitch
    Any block with the snitch attribute will create a field which will keep a record of player's activities within the field. It will keep a record of their entry, any block breaks and placements, and any block usage inside the field. You can see this list by right-clicking on the block or typing /ps snitch. You can clear the list at any time by issuing the command /ps snitch clear.


    No-Conflict blocks
    PStones with the no-conflict flag will not conflict with the placing of new force-fields in the area and not show up on any scoping lists. They will basically be invisible. Anyone will be able to place force-fields that intersect anyone else's no-conflict fields. For example someone can have a large Air of Atlantis field and their neighbor will be able to create a City Protection field nearby that intersects and benefits form the Air of Atlantis field already in place. From the default fields that come with pstones the Jack-o-Death, Glow of Live, Air of Atlantis, and Proximity Snitch are set as no-conflict fields.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  28. Offline


    Any ideas yet on why some ps are not working for me?
  29. Offline


    You said you are using ops.txt? Can you try using permissions to see if that works, if it does then I know its a problem with ops.txt.
  30. Offline


    Ok I think I found the culprit . I was using Simple server wrapper with craftbukkit and when i run craftbukkit alone everything works. Just have to replace my beloved wrapper now. Oh well this plugin is worth it
  31. Offline


    Cool change to the snitch 8P. Updating to the 2.9 now. Finally got the little guy working and boy is that block amazing. You do great work man.
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