Inactive [SEC/MECH/ECON] Residence v2.4.2 - Self serve area protection system! Buy/Sell Land! Economy! [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by bekvon, Mar 21, 2011.

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    v2.4.2 Released - 9/24/2011​
    See the change log for details.​
    Everyone using PermissionsEx, Essentials, or anything else besides the regular permissions plugin or PermissionsBukkit should add or change this in their config under the Global section:
    LegacyPermissions: true
    As of 2.4.0 the bPermissions plugin is supported directly.​
    As of 2.3.7 the PermissionsBukkit plugin is supported directly.​
    This support is not done through the new built in Permissions that bukkit provides, because there is no way to get a players group using the built in methods. However, by supporting this directly, you can now use the new permissions system while still keeping Residence, and not having to use old permissions at all anymore.​

    Latest Recommended Build
    Version: v2.4.2
    Download: Residence

    Latest Development Build
    Latest Snapshot: Residence.jar
    Latest Config: config.yml

    Developer API: Wiki
    GitHub Source: GitHub
    DevBukkit Project Page: DevBukkit


    Daniel Few (Wiki)​
    Linaks (Residence Logo)​
    SirHedgehog (Code)
    GSValore (Code)​
    Samkio (Wiki Video)​
    JustinGuy (Code)​

    Residence Signs (by KarnEdge)​

    NOTE: All Residence usage information has been moved to the wiki!

    Residence is different from most protection plugins in that it aims for the users to be able to protect their own homes without having to bother the admin to do it. Residence has support for a variety of different protection types including preventing movement through areas, all of which can be configured by the land owner, and limited by the admin.​
    Features (open)

    • Allows players to define protected areas for themselves.
    • Individual permissions for each protected area. Land owner can give / deny permissions globally or to other specific players.
    • Different permissions per land include: move, build, use, pvp, fire, teleport, monsters spawn, damage prevention
    • Support for group permissions on protections.
    • Multi-World support.
    • Teleport system to allow users to teleport to residences.
    • Collision detection system to prevent residences from overlapping.
    • Limits to protected size can be set up by the admin.
    • Limits to number of protected areas per player can be set.
    • Two ways to select land including using the select command, or using a item to select 2 points.
    • Messages when you enter / leave a residence. (customizable)
    • Land "leasing" system which requires users to renew the lease on their protection every X number of days or loose the protection. (off by default, see config file)
    • Recursive Sub-zoning. Create zones within zones, and then zones within those zones...
    • TONS of configuration for admins. Customize every single flag that players can or cannot use in the config file, based on their permissions group.
    • (Optional) IConomy support, can set up cost per X number of blocks protected.
    • (Optional) Permissions support.
    • In-game help / commands descriptions

    • Fix bug affecting some people with the new save system
    • Support for iConomy 6
    • Prevent enderman from messing with blocks in residences with the -build flag.
    • Paintings are now protected properly (Thanks JustinGuy!)
    • Fix Rent auto-renew bug.
    • Fix other miscellaneous small bugs.
    ChangeLog (open)

    • Support for bPermissions
    • Add "/res pset <residence> [player] removeall" command to remove all flags for that player
    • Added console only command "/resworld remove [world]" to remove all residences in a world.
    • "/res remove" now requires confirmation using the "/res confirm" command, before removing a residence.
    • Fixed subzone flag.
    • Fixed a few null pointer exceptions related to the "/res message" command, and a few other issues with it as well.
    • Fixed few cosmetic rent message bugs.
    • Fixed few mispellings...
    - Added name filter to Residences to prevent characters that mess up YML from being used. This should fix many of the errored YML files that people have been getting.
    - Fixed arrow damage in no-pvp zones (bug introduced in the Residence 1060 update).
    - Added a "Permissions Group" line of text into /res limits, this will show your Permissions group as reported by Residence.

    - Fixes to better handle the piston flag, and world "flow" flags (thx JustinGuy :) )
    - "Use" flag now covers trap doors.
    - Lease renewal can now be pulled from the Residence's bank.
    - Buying a residence now causes the default flags to be set for the user who is buying it.
    - Minor fixes to new PermissionsBukkit support (fix message about permissions not being detected when it actually was)
    - Added a few miscellaneous forgotten commands to the in-game Residence help.

    • Added direct support for PermissionsBukkit (doesn't go through the bukkit API)
    • Added LegacyPermissions true/false config option.
    • Support for residence.admin and residence.create permission nodes using new permission system.
    • Recommend using SuperPermsBridge or something that ensures backwards compatibility with old permissions.
    • Few permission changes to hopefully make it work better.
    • Fix for firespread flag with CB1000.
    • Added "piston" flag.
    • Fixes for CB1000
    • Fixes for a few minor bugs, and for concurrent modification issue with the Lease Manager.
    • Removed subzone list from /res info, and gave it its own command that supports multiple pages, /res sublist <residence> <page>
    • If the save file errors, it will now be preserved rather then overwritten, it will be renamed res-ERRORED.yml, the plugin will now disable itself upon error as well unless the StopOnSaveFault option in the config is set to false.
    • Fixed non-working per-world flags.
    • Fixed a few message bugs.
    • Add /resadmin removeall <player> admin command to remove all residences owned by a player.
    • Changed MaxUpDown in the default config to 128...
    • Fixed issue with /res vert still selecting more then the MaxUpDown allowed.
    • Fixed a few initial issues with a couple language localization messages.
    • Removed area list from /res info, use /res area list [residence] or /res area listall [residence] now.
    • New language localization system, upon first run v2.3 will create a Languages folder under your Residence config folder with the default English.yml file.
    • New in-game help system. (part of the new language localization system)
    • All commands now run without admin privileges unless you specify /resadmin before.
    • Added config option to allow rented residences to be modifiable. (PreventRentModify option)
    • Fixes to improve compatibility with Permissions 3.X
    • /res listall now has pages
    • Added the "physics" flag to control block movement. (separated from the flow flag more like)
    • New ResidenceTPEvent, and ResidenceRentEvent API events
    • Fixed residences not being properly removed from lease / rent system, upon deletion.
    • Fixed bug related to default group option in the config.
    • Fixed global "container" flag bug.
    • Fixed some NPE's related to explosions.
    • Added /resload command to load the save file after you make changes to it (UNSAFE, as it does not save residences first, and so you may loose new residences that were just created)
    • Added per residence Blacklist/Ignorelists that will allow you to specify certain block types to be ignored from residence protections, or unable to be placed in residences.
    • Added Server owned land, use /resadmin server <residence> to change the owner to "Server Owned"
    • Added global Ignorelists which allow certain block types to become unprotectable for the whole world / for a specific user group.
    • Fixed a couple bugs with the lease system, including being enabled when it shouldn't be and the lease auto-renew option.
    • Added "/res area replace" command, allows you to resize / move a physical area. If the new area is bigger, it will only charge you for the difference in size.
    • Added 'waterflow' and 'lavaflow' flags which override the flow flag if set.
    • Fixed a bug causing money to still be charged when failing to add a area to a residence.
    • Fix case sensitivity bug in rent system.
    • BOSEconomy support.
    • Essentials Economy support.
    • RealShop Economy support.
    • Added the 'place' and 'destroy' flags, which if used overrule the 'build' flag. These allow you to give only block placement permissions in a certain area, or only block destroy permissions.
    • /res check [residence] [flag] <player> command, this command evaluates if <player> is affected by [flag] at [residence]. You can leave off <player> and it will use your name.
    • Added a LeaseAutoRenew config option, that will cause leases to automatically renew so long as the player has the money to do so. Note that, if economy is disabled this doesn't work, as there would be no point to leases. Needs Testing! :)
    • Global FlagPermission config section, that allows you to give permission to use a flag to all groups, useful for the build / move / use flag that you almost definitely want everyone to have access to. Flags under each individual group will overrule these.
    • You can now set a limits on how deep or how high protections can go into the group, using each groups MinHeight and MaxHeight settings.
    • /res select sky, and /res select bedrock commands, these auto adjust to the above mentioned MinHeight and MaxHeight settings, so it won't select into a area you can't protect.
    • Rent system implemented.
    • Many bug fixes, including proper creeper explosion prevention now. Also, fixed some bugs when renaming residences.
    • New healing flag.
    • The monsters flag has been split up into "animals" and "monsters" now.
    • New Developer API, including custom Bukkit events.
    • New Global CreatorDefault / GroupDefault / ResidenceDefault flag sections to help clean up the Groups section, and remove redundant flags.
    • Probably some other minor things I've forgot :)
    - Residence 2.0 now in alpha testing, core code has been mostly rewritten.​
    - Supports multiple areas per residence using '/res area <add/remove>' commands.​
    - Added new selection commands '/res select expand' and '/res select shift'​
    - Added Predefined permission lists that can be applyed to residences.​
    - Enter / Leave messages now support %player, %owner and %area variables.​
    - Config file has been cleaned up and most things are better named.​
    - Should be fixed to work with newer iConomy versions.​
    - Save system now only uses yml as save format.​
    - Save system wont corrupt the whole file if one residences gets corrupted, you just loose that one residence.​
    - When a residence changes owner, flags are set to default for that owner.​
    - Added '/res default' command to manually reset flags to default.​
    - Released source code for v2.0​

    v1.2.8 - BETA
    - Fixed broken flag setting permissions.​

    v1.2.7 - BETA
    - Fixed chests being able to be opened from outside protected area.​
    - Fixed enter/leave message (hopefully)​
    v1.2.6 - BETA
    - Updated for CB 612 / Minecraft 1.4​
    v1.2.5 - BETA
    - Fixed tiny bug in saving messages.​
    - yml is now the default save format because its more reliable.​

    v1.2.4 - BETA
    - Fixed bug related to fire / ignite event.​
    - Added ability to remove enter / leave messages​

    v1.2.3 - BETA
    - Added a optional different save system, you can now save residences in pure YML format (same format as config files). See the config file for how to enable.​

    v1.2.2 - BETA
    - Fixed TP bug.​

    v1.2.1 - BETA
    - Fixed bug in new saving system.​

    v1.2 - BETA
    - New save system, will attempt to auto-convert from old system.
    - Fixed some permission bugs when not using permissions plugin.​
    - OPs are now residence admins when not using permissions.​
    - Fixed collisions detection issues related to having multiple worlds.​
    - Added global pvp setting.​
    - Added a "flow" flag to control water/lava flow in residences.​
    v1.1.9 - BETA
    - Fixed a severe bug when not using permissions.​

    v1.1.8 - BETA
    - Fixed a subzone bug.​
    v1.1.7 - BETA
    - Added ability to buy and sell land using /res market commands.​
    - Added a land leasing system which can be configured to expire protections if they are not renewed after a period of time. See the /res lease command. (this is off by default, turn it on and customize it in the config)​
    - Implemented a Auto-Save interval. Saves residence areas every X minutes.​
    - Fixed minor onBlockIgnite error.​
    - Added a few admins commands using /resadmin.​

    v1.1.6 - BETA
    - Fixed spaces not working in enter / leave messages.​

    v1.1.5 - BETA
    - Added Enter / Leave messages for Residences, as well as a permission option in the config to allow / deny changing of them.​
    - Fixed residence admins not being able to modify the outside world when using deny build rights outside of residences.​
    - Fixed issue related to default group.​
    - Added a config option to specify the default group.​

    v1.1.4 - BETA
    - Fixed bug in group permissions...​
    v1.1.3 - BETA
    - Changed the configuration vastly again, server admins now have control over every flag for every group.​
    - Group permissions implemented, but in need of TESTING! :)
    - World permission implemented (default world permissions for when you are not in a residence zone)​
    - Fixes subzone collision bug.​

    v1.1.2 - BETA
    - Fixed residence admins still requiring IConomy money.​
    - Fixed a bug with TNT explosions.​

    v1.1.1 - BETA
    - Fixed bug breaking subzone permissions.​

    v1.1 - BETA
    - Recusive sub-zoning, make subzones within zones, and then subzones within those subzones :)
    - Different limits based on permissions group​
    - New setting for choosing the selection tool item id.​
    - Anti-lag configuration option.​
    - Moved some permissions into the config file.​
    - All protections are now OFF by default.​

    v1.0.1 - 3/21/2011
    - Added permissions / config option to disable teleports.​

    v1.0 - 3/20/2011
    - Initial Release​

    Bug Reports:
    Please include at minimum the following information with all bug reports:
    • CraftBukkit Version
    • Residence Version
    • What you were doing when the error occurred.
    If available, also include:
    • Any server console error messages
    • Other plugins that may be causing the issue
  2. Offline


    There was a bit of misinformation on the wiki... the explosions flag was divided into 2 flags as of v2.0, and they are 'tnt' and 'creeper'. I fixed it on the wiki :) Sorry for the confusion.
    Permissions 2.0 is really old, its up to v2.7.3 as of this post. That's probably way too old a version to be using and probably why its not working. Update it here.

    Hmm, I didn't think about that limitation. Tell you what, I can re-add the permission node and simply make it override the config file option :) Also, glad you figured out Multiverse issue :D
    Nope, upgrade code has been added to automatically convert :) Make a backup just in case first though.
    No, 2.0's save system hasn't changed since the Alpha, so you should be fine to upgrade to the latest. :) Make a backup before you do just in case and post here if you have trouble.
    Yea, if you edit the file directly you could simply copy the entire residence and paste it under the subzone section of another residence and it in theory should work :) Give it a shot and let me know, bu make a backup before obviously :D
    Yep, the converter is done and built in :) You should be able to simple move over to 2.0 and all current residences will remain intact. You will however have to redo your config file, as the 1.X one was messy and 2.0's is a little bit better. :)
    You said you have enable economy set to false in the config file... hmm, il double check that in the code, it may be that I forgot somthing...
    eventually, there will be server owned land and yes this will be possible, in the mean time the only way to do it like that is with the economy system where you can put lands for sale.
    Can you look and see if there are any error messages on the server console? Also, what bukkit version are you using, because usually when things like this happen its because your not using a recommended version. Just making sure :)
  3. Offline

    Daniel Few

    OK Ii'll give it a go :) and yes i'll make sure i make a backup first :)
  4. Offline


    Hi, I use this on my server and people who protect their buildings are complaining they cant mine under someones house, even if the person protecting that house doesn't want the blocks underneath their house, is it possible to change settings in the config file to say, let the person only protect it from 10 layers below their house, and to the sky? So that the person protecting that house could protect their basement, but other people could mine below their basement without a problem.

    Thank you.
  5. Offline


    anyone tell me exactly what the creeper flag does? stop creepers from spawning, dealing block damage, player damage, both?
  6. Offline

    Daniel Few

    Where did you see the creeper flag, I think it was removed.
  7. Offline


    it's in the config file under the global flags.
    and I don't think it was removed because i'm trying to use another plugin to stop creepers blowing up blocks but residence is intercepting the creeper explosion or something and making it not work.
  8. Offline

    Daniel Few

    1. What version of residence are you using?
    2. Can you paste your config file so i can have a look please :)
  9. Offline


  10. Offline

    Daniel Few

    Hmm ok sorry maybe it hasn't been taken out. I'm not sure what it does however i would assume it stops them exploding. Don't quote me on this though cause I could be wrong. However I think I tested this the other day because I switched to residence creeper control instead of BlastControl.
  11. Offline


    My version is I don't get any error messages.
  12. Offline

    Daniel Few

    Heya again :p tried that thing and it doesn't seem to be recognising the residence. This is my residence from res.yml. It doesn't give me the enter/leaave message when going in and out of the area where it should be, and when inside where it should be and i tpye /res info it gives an error. Also, when i do /res tp AdminIsland it does tp me near where it should be, and i've flown around that area and still no residence. If you have any ideas it would be great ;)

    res.yml -

    Question: Can you have multiple areas on a subzone. Eg /res area add AdminIsland.Wall 2
    More Info: To find the X1, Y1 and Z1 etc i just left clicked with tool where i wanted the res's first point to be, and took the first number as X1, second as Y1 and third as Z1. Is this correct?
  13. Offline


    Just a small note here, not sure what you're trying to do but it looks like your zone is only 3 blocks high. (Looking at the Y coordinates, range from 60-63). If you're aware of that and you're sure you're inside those 3 blocks then I'll just go away silently :). Just thought you might've missed that.
  14. Offline


  15. Offline



    Problem... people can build in areas i specify the flag as build = false... heres the bin.

    i use permissions 2.7.3 CB 766 iconomy 5.0.1 and residence v2.0

    and creepers still explode causing explosions... even with TNT = False

    and can you add a flag that allows people to DESTROY blocks and not include it with BUILD having two different flags for that? (One place other Destroy.)

    I basically am relying on this plugin to make my server work... but i need a destroy block flag that isnt grouped with build and i need creepers to not explode with tnt tag..
  16. Offline

    Daniel Few

    Thanks for your reply :p Yes actually i fogot to give it height from sky to bedrock :p but i 'THINK' i checked at ground level, but i may not have and i'm going to check that now. This may also cause the residence to not be noticed as the subzones would be higher then the main residence.

    Well for your creeper problem, if you look in the global flags you've got creeper=TRUE. Set this to FALSE if you do not want creepers to explode.

    Where its asys GLobal flags, try taking out the WorldNameHere world under them.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  17. Offline


    Hi, I found a big bug. Firespread is always enabled. Residence 2.0 (non-developer version), CB 740 and 766, no other fire plugins like worldguard or essentialsprotect. I tried disabling it globally and in my world, and neither worked:
        # All flags default to true if not specified.
            Global: #these are default for all worlds unless specified below, they can be overridden per group
                use: true
                build: true
                ignite: true
                firespread: true
                damage: true
                creeper: true
                tnt: true
                pvp: true
            world: #here you can set default flags for individual worlds, these override Global
                use: true
                build: true
                ignite: true
                firespread: false
                damage: true
                creeper: true
                tnt: false
                pvp: false
    Also, fire still spread and destroyed things when I had "ignite: false". The fire also spreads regardless of whether I am in a residence or not.
  18. Offline


    Still need help for this, anyone?
  19. Offline

    Atticus Craft

    It was said previously that theres currently a bug with bukkit preventing this from working (I couldn't get it to work in worldguard either).

    With ignite false it prevents anyone who doesn't have permission from igniting fires... you will still be able to as the admin (admins ignore all flags). And fire will still spread, it just stops it from starting.

    I have noticed that while turning off fire spread doesn't seem to work properly, it does work a little bit. The fires usually go out within a few blocks.. but yes it is broken and isn't working as expected. Bukkit will hopefully fix it in the next release.

    It's been asked plenty now that he add in the option to protect from ground to sky, instead from bedrock to sky. (or to indicate how high/low it should expand - like world edit) We just need to wait for this to be released.

    As far as your problem goes, as long as people are using the vert selection option, its going to keep happening... I suggest having them not use that for the time being... as much as that hinders vertical expansion.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  20. Offline

    Daniel Few

    This is true, but by default its only protected within the cuboid area. If you want it from bedrock to sky you type /res select vert, if this hasne't been doen then it shouldnt be protected outside the cuboid area.
  21. Offline


    Actually, it works just fine in WorldGuard. That's what I am using to disable fire spread right now.
  22. Offline


    Still no response to my problem...can anyone help?
  23. Offline


    Il look into it, this is the first I've heard of Register.

    Hmm, not sure about your build problem, what other plugins are you running? As for creeper explosions, you need to set the 'creeper' flag to false, as the 'tnt' flag is for tnt only. I suppose I could add a destroy flag, but its not going to fix your first issue as the 'build' flag currently covers block destruction too. It could be a plugin conflict, but I'm not sure. Try experimenting a little if you can. :) I'll add a 'place' and a 'destroy' flag that can be used to override 'build'.

    I think I got this fixed in the latest development build :) Try it out.

    I already have the build height settings in the development version actually :) I also added a /res select sky, and a /res select bedrock command that will automatically adjust if your limits are set differently (for example, if you have a minimum protection depth of 32 and you use /res select bedrock, it wont select any deeper then 32) These functions need testing still, but they will be in the next version :D

    Try using CraftBukkit 766 since you appear to be using a old version of CraftBukkit, and 766 is the currently recommended version, its also the version that Residence officially supports right now.
    Felonu and Avous like this.
  24. Offline


    @bekvon you're my hero!

    (happy dance)

    imma get my rpg server imma get my rpg server ya ya!

    ive waited so long for a way to only build in "city limits" but be able to gather resources outside of them T.T
  25. Offline


    Thank you so much.... BTW, will these commands adjust if the group has a height limit as well as if there is a global minimum height?

    I can't wait to test this.
  26. Offline


    I don't see why someone shouldn't be able to make a one block wide/tall/thick residence.. It claims it's a width of "0", but really that's not possible. They have to have selected at least one block.

    ie: Hitting the same block as both corners and buying a residence should buy protection for just that block.
  27. Offline


    I just started getting this error all the sudden every time I login.

    2011-05-14 22:05:53 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to Residence
        at com.nijiko.permissions.Control.getGroup(
        at com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.permissions.PermissionManager.getGroupNameByPlayer(
        at com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener.onPlayerMove(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  28. Offline


    Permission Nodes? I can't find them. I want a specific class to be able to build in non-reisdence areas if I turned it off in global. Because new people always dig strange holes in the ground and it disturbs me because I have to go the full way to fix it using worldedit brush tools.
  29. Offline


    The only Permission node is residence.admin which gives player/group power to ignore flags. Most of the permissions are set in the config.yml you can see how to configure it in the wiki <here>.
  30. Offline


    I am almost completely confused. I have replaced the section with the global with the ranks and people can still build not in a residence. The part I am referring to is the

    # These flags are applied, by default, when the player is not within another residence.
    and under. I am complete befuzzling befuzzled.
  31. Offline


    What about the "move into residence with move=false, get kicked automatically" problem? "Moved too quickly, hacking?" My plugins:
    10:25:21 [INFO] Plugins: BetterShop, BukkitPiston, cjb_mod_manager, Elevators, Essentials, EssentialsGeoIP, Permissions, GroupManager, EssentialsSpawn, EverCart, Permissions, FalseBookBlock, FalseBookCore, FalseBookExtra, FalseBookIC, FenceStack, FlamingArrows, flyRidgeFly, HeadBlocks, HeroChat, HeroicRebuke, iConomy,IllegalName, InventorySort, IPGet, KiwiAdmin, LogBlock, LWC, MagicCarpet, milkAdmin, MinecartManiaCore, MinecartManiaSignCommands, MinecartManiaStation, RemoteToolkitPlugin, MoveCraft, MultipleHomes, NoWeather, PaintingSwitch, Residence, SignReadMore, SimpleSave, SimpleSignEdit, SpyerAdmin, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, xAuth, MinecartManiaAdminControls, MinecartManiaAutomations, MinecartManiaChestControl

    If you can tell me which plugin causes it i'll be so happy :D
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