Inactive [SEC] Log v0.8.2 - A lightweight alternative to BigBrother [PERMISSIONS] [1597]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by pokepal101, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. Offline



    Log - A lightweight alternative to BigBrother.
    Version: v0.8.2
    NOTE: Users have reported problems using GroupManager.

    Log is a plugin that logs block changes. Currently it only records break and place events.
    Being the Bukkit plugin creator n00b I am, I probably made some n00bish mistakes, but it works, anyway.
    Compatible with 617 onwards. Latest build officially tested on 1597.

    • Logs block place and destroy events
    • Lets you look up block place and destroy events using a stick
    • Permissions support
    • Block type/material logging - NEW IN 0.4
    • A block to check air and other non-clickable blocks - NEW IN 0.8.2, now works!
    • PLANNED: Auto-delete support - prevent buildup of old stuff
    • POSSIBLE: Rollback?
    • Plaintext buffered SQL alternative to prevent memory leaks - NEW IN 0.5
    How to use:

    How to use (open)

    • 1) Install.
    • 2) Ensure you have the correct permissions (see below)
    • 3) Right click block with stick. DING!
    • 4) If you want to check who destroyed a block, place a block there and right-click that.
      • 4a) Alternatively, "place" a bone where the block would be.
    • 5) To clean the database of all old entries, type '/log clean <time>', replacing <time> with a time unit (15m, 24h, 30d)
    • 6) To completely purge the database of all entries (when you start a new world or something), type '/log purge'

    Permissions (open)

    • To use the stick lookup, you must have the 'log.stick' permission, or be an op.
    • To use the bone lookup, you must have the 'log.bone' permission, or be an op.
    • A 'log.*' permission is provided for your convenience.

    Admin Permissions:
    Admin Permissions (open)

    • To use '/log purge', you must have the 'log.admin.purge' permission, or be an op.
    • To use '/log clean <time>', you must have the 'log.admin.clean' permission, or be an op.
    • A 'log.admin.*' permission is provided for your convenience.

    Download jar: v0.8.2 | v0.8.1 (Dropbox) | v0.8 (Dropbox) | v0.7.1 (Dropbox) | v0.7 (Dropbox) | v0.6 (Dropbox) (Direct) | v0.5.1 (Dropbox) | v0.5 (Dropbox) UNSTABLE!! | v0.4 (Dropbox) | v0.3 (Dropbox)

    To download, click the link above, wait, then click the "Skip This Ad" button in the top right corner. If the link appears to not work in some way, try refreshing the page. Still not working? Use the (Direct) link (for versions 0.6-).

    Please, please, please, pretty please with sugar on top, donate to support the continued development of this plugin:

    Source Code: v0.8.2 | v0.7(.1) (Dropbox) | v0.6 (Dropbox) | v0.5.1 (Dropbox)
    For versions prior to 0.5, source code is packaged in the jar file.

    Changelog (open)

    Version 0. 8.2:
    • "Added" bone lookup! Yippee!
    Version 0.8.1:

    • Fixed incorrect month number error (again)
    Version 0.8:

    • Added '/log purge' and '/log clean <time>' commands
    Version 0.7.1

    • Removed testing code
    • Fixed incorrect month number error
    Version 0.7

    • Made compatible with RB1060
    • Added config file! (plugins/Log/
    • Added bone lookup (non-functional ATM due to Bukkit bug - I think)
    • Made compatible with PermissionsBukkit. Compatibility with original Permissions is unknown
    Version 0.6

    • Fixed incorrect version number 'bug' (again)
    • Fixed FileNotFound bug (again)
    Version 0.5.1

    • Fixed major bug with BufferedReader not being reset
    Version 0.5

    • Exams are over and I have begun working on this again (XD)
    • Tested with 953
      • Old filename: logdata.db
      • New filename: logdata.db2
      • Old files will be converted once the server starts/restarts.
      • Make sure you delete the old files once converted to prevent confusion.
      • Advantage: Before: 3.5MB. After: 2.8MB
    • And probably some other stuff
    Version 0.4

    • Tested with 733
    • Added more logged information: block ID, date and time
    • NB: Old data files still work (I think)
    • Fixed FileNotFound bug
    • Fixed incorrect version number 'bug'
    Version 0.3

    • Made compatible with Permissions plugin (node "log.stick")
    • Requires you to either have the permission or be an op to use the stick lookup
    • Fixed small grammatical mistake
    Version 0.2

    • Made compatible with 617
    Version 0.1

    • First release

    - JKapFilms

    Known Bugs:

    Please read this before posting about a bug or problem.
    • FIXED IN 0.5 Not shutting down the server correctly causes data in the last session to be lost.
    • FIXED IN 0.5.1 Possibly many bugs in 0.5. Currently testing.
    • FIXED IN 0.6 Stick does not check cache.
    • FIXED IN 0.7.1 AND 0.8.1 Incorrect month number shown. Even though this has been fixed, incorrect entries will still display incorrectly, however.
  2. Offline


    The permissions log.*, nor or any of them work. It works for OP on default.... but i need to give it to my server moderators and it is not working for them. Nothing pops up for them.
  3. Offline


    hey... i know this is kinda pointless but could you add color to the text ?
  4. Offline


    hey works ends here on 1.8.1 server
  5. Offline


    hi i was wondering if possibly you could add chest edit support? love the plugin and thanks for your hard work
  6. does this work ow in the LIQUIDS ?
    if someone has lava fall and someone random jerk throws water in corner so lava turns cobblestone , can i see who poured the water in?
  7. Offline


    Does this plugin tell you when someone places any block it tells you where this happend?
    And also does the plugin have /watch player?
  8. Offline


    Hey guys, I would just like to explain how much of a life saver this plugin is! Im new to the server game, only 16 and found it hard to understand the basics. I have learnt a bit from then and am now pretty confident at everything that needs to be done in order to run a successful server. I tried installing LogBlock and had that working for a while, but it was far too confusing, and the only thing it has on this, apart from huge data storage etc, is the ability to rollback the griefs that occur (Although if you are catching people, the griefing tends to stop ). I saw no point in keeping logBlock and opted for this instead, a simple, easy to use logging tool. The only thing it needs is ROLLING BACK! If you can include this, there is no point for the other 'big boy' plugins. Keep up the good work, and thanks, just caught somebody who grieved my spawn... ./ban X-D


    The only thing it needs, which it hasn't yet received, is rollback, and liquid logging, apart from this, awesome job!


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  9. Offline


    Does it log chest and furnace changes?
  10. Offline


    Thank you so much! I was just on the verge of creating this myself, but you ninja'd me. So thanks. I am getting performance issues... nothing major but I would appreciate if you could somewhat reduce these?

    EDIT: Fixed some stuff in the plugin myself so it ran faster, and disabled features I didn't need, and added a new 'disable listener' option to the properties. If you would like the updated source, I will give it to you.
  11. Offline


    can u make it detect worldedit? also if u do make a rollback feture, plz hurry XD
  12. Offline


    Move to bukkit dev?
  13. Offline


    can u make it detect worldedit?
  14. Offline


    I'm not the coding type, but I can't imagine it would be easy to add worldedit log detections. Anyways, this plugin looks good, I'll give it a try next time I'm at my computer with minecraft.
  15. Offline


    Can someone tell me if it causes world chunk errors?
    Also UPDATE for 1337 please.... I beg of you, nice plugin btw, that's why i want it updating :( sad face
  16. Offline


    Can you update this to 1337?
  17. Offline


    O god this better work cuz i have been banning players using server logs and they say they havent done nothing
  18. Offline


    The thing I'm really confused about is which block is the one for 'block to check air and other non-clickable blocks - NEW IN 0.8.2, now works!'
  19. Offline


    idea: lookup who has changed a chest
  20. Offline


    ok i have been trying to get this working on my server for some time now and it has not been working why? P.S i have a PvP temp server now so no permissions right now only op but is the lack of permissions causing this? or is there a bug because i have the latest version but when i do a command it says there is an internal error :(
  21. Offline


    Nice plugin! Good simplicity, I don't use permissions.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE implement using the stick to check who has changed a chest.

    Also, does anybody know of a nice (simple, not huge) plugin (like this) that allows you to view who has changed a chest??

    Please respond! Thanks!
  22. Offline


    would you be making it so you can check if someone took something and put stuff in chests in the future?
  23. Offline


    The day i remove it is the day i NEED it xD
  24. Offline


    Hello, thank you for this plugin :)
    I translated the plugin in French :

    Attached Files:

      File size:
      12.6 KB
  25. Offline


    Log still the best plugin of this category for me : lightweight and very easy to use : no strange commands I have to explain to moderators.
    Merci diabolow200 pour la traduction francaise ;).
  26. Offline


    UPDATE COMON T_T its aint working with my permission 3.x :c
  27. Offline


    An update would be amazing. Thank you :)
  28. Offline


    It Doesnt Detect who does water and lava placings :S
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


  31. Offline


    This plugin sucks i do right click on a block my friend-admin to and by my its says: Dstroyed by wagelaar and by him it says Destroyed bij ppzozianopp

    OMG i nearly banned wagelaar....

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