Great idea! I can't believe no one thought of this before now o.o Maybe you could also add in that you can buy elements using experience levels? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hey, great plugin you have here! I only have a small error, but here it is: 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [INFO] [ElementalSwords] Enabling ElementalSwords v0.1.1 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at main.Main.log( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at main.Main.readElementsFile( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at main.Main.onEnable( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.j( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.init( 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at 2012-11-07 10:46:18 [SEVERE] at Thanks!
Do you think you could possibly allow users to view the "elements" that are available to them through [/ebuy]? For example, if entering command /ebuy player would receive: Code: Please type /ebuy (effect) Effects: Poison - (price) Slowness - (price) Confusion - (price) Hunger - (price) Players love the plugin, but constantly need to be reminded what is available to them. Thanks!
I thought of that too, but the poison is permanent; 8 poison potions for a permanent poisonous sword is too cheap
recipie could be emeralds, potion & sword (diamond only) - players often have to many emeralds after using a fortune pick, and they don't know what to do with them. Recipie: Emerald|Potion|Emerald Emerald|Sword|Emerald Emerald|Potion|Emerald Also, can we rename the sword so long as it still has the colour & tag? I am making an RPG world running mainly on commandblocks and am thinking for dungeon rewards it would be cool!
As long as the swords have the color and the tag, the effect will be made on the enemy on hit, you cannot get color out of anvils though. As for the recipes, I'll make it customizable anyways
Buying an element will rename the item, when you hit a living entity, it'll run a check to see if your weapon has a certain name and cast the effect on the victim.
Ok, I am creating a plugin called TheEnchanter which can add custom enchantments, and the effect are running out of them.