Inactive [SEC] AuthMe v2.5.1 - High Performance Authorization plugin [1818/1.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by pomo4ka, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Offline



    Bukkitcontrib updated to Spout!

    Can you update your plugin to support it?:)
  2. Offline


    Yep, I get tons or errors since yesterday...
    Please update to Spout!
  3. Offline


    whenever i or a user give the command /login that come in my consol
    or that

    i dont know what i do wrong, i see some people here has the same problem..
  4. Offline


    I have a problem.
    I use authme, but I don't force my people to register (ForceRegistration: false). But when they are, I force them to login. It allows them to protect their account if they want.
    But when they are registered, and someone comes with their name, they have 60 seconds to enter the password, or they get kicked. But in these 60 seconds, they have access to every command that this person has.
    It means if someone logs with a pirate version of minecraft, logs with my name, they have access to everything. That's what this plugin is for no?
    So, in "AllowNonLoggedIn", there's a command line, and there's only "uptime" allowed (I don't know what it is) so I shouldn't have access to any command when I'm not logged in.

    Here is my config file
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                  DataController                      | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
        # This Cache saves registration details like username and password
        # Change it to false, if you want edit the datasource under runtime
        # Otherwise let it to true!
        CacheEnabled: true
        # Possible datasources are 'flatfile' or 'mysql'
        Datasource: flatfile
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                       Misc                           | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
        # Set it to false, if you want let the player decide, if he should register or not
        ForceRegistration: false
        # If it's enabled, it will kick non-registered players before they could join
        # Make sure to edit the Kick.NotRegistered message in message file!
        KickNonRegistered: false
        # What has to be done, if a player typed a wrong password?
        # Kick him (true) or only warn him with a simple chat message (false)
        KickOnWrongPassword: true
        # Kick a non-loggedin player after he has reached a certain timeout (in seconds)
        # To disable this, set it to 0
        LoginTimeout: 60
        # The intervall between Alert.Login and Alert.Registration messages (in seconds)
        AlertInterval: 5
        # What should we allow unregistered players?
            Chat: true
            # Following commands are allowed to use
            # Be warned: Additionally every subcommand gets allowed, e.g. '/uptime today'
            - uptime
                Enabled: false
                Radius: 5
        # What should we allow players, that are not logged in?
            # Following commands are allowed to use (and every subcommand!)
            # Be warned: Additionally every subcommand gets allowed, e.g. '/uptime today'
            - uptime
        # Following players get unrestricted access without the force to log in
        # Use this function, if you use plugins, that create bots (NPCs)!
        - Bot01
        # Algorithm hash (MD5, SHA256, SHA1).
        Hash: SHA256
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |              Playername Restrictions                 | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
        # The name of a player should have the following maximum and minimum length
        PlayerNameMaxLength: 20
        PlayerNameMinLength: 3
        # The characters in the name can be restricted by RegEx
        # For more informatiom about RegEx visit
        PlayerNameRegex: '[a-zA-Z0-9_?]*'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                   Login Sessions                     | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
        # This function automatically logs players in, if they were already logged
        # in before their last disconnect
        Enabled: true
        # Maximum timeout between last logout and new connection (in seconds)
        MaximalTimePeriod: 20
        # Be warned: Only disable this, if you know what you are doing!
        # Disabling this makes AuthMe not comparing old and new IPs and maybe
        # grants access to name spoofers (in case you are in offline-mode)
        IPCheckEnabled: true
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                     Commands                         | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
            ChangePasswordEnabled: true
            RegisterEnabled: true
            UnregisterEnabled: true
            LoginEnabled: true
            LogoutEnabled: true
            ReloadAuthsEnabled: true
            ResetAuthEnabled: true
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                  MySQL Settings                      | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
        # Connection details
            Host: localhost
            Port: 3306
            Database: test
            Username: root
            Password: pass
        # Settings for a custom user table
        # Do not change this, if you don't have any scripts reqiring this
            TableName: authme
            ColumnUsername: username
            ColumnPassword: password
            # Custom information, that a player has to type on /register command
            # This function is only available for MySQL as datasource!
            # Make sure that you have a column with the right name in your database!
            # The information gets checked, if it complies to the given RegEx string
            # If the check was successfull, the information get stored in the respective column
            # A line must be built up like following:
            #   columnname: 'regexstring'
            # For good RegEx strings visit
            # If you are still unsure, check the given example below (email)
    #            email: '^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$'
  5. Offline


    Ehm my Users are registered in the Flatfile-DB.
    Now i want to switch to mysql backend.
    Are my users lost or can i import the data from flatfile to mysql?
  6. Offline


    Import data, you can through various managers MySQL. :)
  7. Offline


    After upgrade I'm have the same issue as @snouz.
    Every player can run any command without logging in, in previous versions its work correctly.
    Additionally, the first attempt to use /login the user gets a message that is not registered. Only for a second attempt at logging works
  8. Offline


    I'm sorry, but I don't really understand what does plugin does based off of the features. Is it something I'd want for extra security?
  9. Offline


    Well, if you run an offline server mostly. Offline means anybody can connect with a custom username, including someone else's name (and have access to all it's commands and objects.
    Offline doesn't need to be online, and accept new people who haven't bought the game yet, and this plugin is useful in that case
  10. Offline


    I would report these errors:
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [INFO] KorII lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [SEVERE] Socket closed
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [SEVERE]     at Source)
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [SEVERE]     at Source)
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [SEVERE]     at Source)
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [SEVERE]     at Source)
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [SEVERE]     at Source)
    2011-08-07 21:05:11 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-08-07 21:05:13 [INFO] KorII [/] logged in with entity id 52802 at ([world] 
  11. Offline


    Ok first of all sorry that i haven't answered in the last days but I was on vaccation.

    Thats an error from craftbukkit and not authme.

    You are using an old version of authme

    The inventory cache is only used during join->login. Only users who are registered, joined the game but did not login will loose there inventory.
  12. Offline


    Please fix the issues when using this + Spout
  13. Offline


    What about my problem? Users "who are registered, joined the game but did not login" have their inventory in a cache but have access to any command, despite I didn't authorize it in AuthMe config file.
  14. Offline


    If you join the site and
    When connecting to the game
    Is displayed join please visite my homepage
    When i run the server again
    Then you can enjoy from the game
    In short
    Please help me.
    If I sign up for website
    Want to really enjoy the game as soon as

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | DataController | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # This Cache saves registration details like username and password
    # Change it to false, if you want edit the datasource under runtime
    # Otherwise let it to true!
    CacheEnabled: true

    # Possible datasources are 'flatfile' or 'mysql'
    Datasource: mysql

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Misc | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Set it to false, if you want let the player decide, if he should register or not
    ForceRegistration: true

    # If it's enabled, it will kick non-registered players before they could join
    # Make sure to edit the Kick.NotRegistered message in message file!
    KickNonRegistered: true

    # What has to be done, if a player typed a wrong password?
    # Kick him (true) or only warn him with a simple chat message (false)
    KickOnWrongPassword: true

    # Kick a non-loggedin player after he has reached a certain timeout (in seconds)
    # To disable this, set it to 0
    LoginTimeout: 30

    # The intervall between Alert.Login and Alert.Registration messages (in seconds)
    AlertInterval: 5

    # What should we allow unregistered players?
    Chat: false
    # Following commands are allowed to use
    # Be warned: Additionally every subcommand gets allowed, e.g. '/uptime today'
    - uptime
    Enabled: false
    Radius: 20

    # What should we allow players, that are not logged in?
    # Following commands are allowed to use (and every subcommand!)
    # Be warned: Additionally every subcommand gets allowed, e.g. '/uptime today'
    - uptime

    # Following players get unrestricted access without the force to log in
    # Use this function, if you use plugins, that create bots (NPCs)!
    - Bot01

    # Algorithm hash (MD5, SHA256, SHA1).
    Hash: MD5

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Playername Restrictions | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # The name of a player should have the following maximum and minimum length
    PlayerNameMaxLength: 20
    PlayerNameMinLength: 3

    # The characters in the name can be restricted by RegEx
    # For more informatiom about RegEx visit
    PlayerNameRegex: '[a-zA-Z0-9_?]*'

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Login Sessions | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # This function automatically logs players in, if they were already logged
    # in before their last disconnect
    Enabled: false

    # Maximum timeout between last logout and new connection (in seconds)
    MaximalTimePeriod: 5

    # Be warned: Only disable this, if you know what you are doing!
    # Disabling this makes AuthMe not comparing old and new IPs and maybe
    # grants access to name spoofers (in case you are in offline-mode)
    IPCheckEnabled: true

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Commands | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    ChangePasswordEnabled: true
    RegisterEnabled: false
    UnregisterEnabled: false
    LoginEnabled: true
    LogoutEnabled: true
    ReloadAuthsEnabled: true
    ResetAuthEnabled: true

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | MySQL Settings | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Connection details
    Host: localhost
    Port: 3306
    Database: linux
    Username: root
    Password: ***********

    # Settings for a custom user table
    # Do not change this, if you don't have any scripts reqiring this
    TableName: xe_member
    ColumnUsername: user_id
    ColumnPassword: password
    # Custom information, that a player has to type on /register command
    # This function is only available for MySQL as datasource!
    # Make sure that you have a column with the right name in your database!
    # The information gets checked, if it complies to the given RegEx string
    # If the check was successfull, the information get stored in the respective column
    # A line must be built up like following:
    # columnname: 'regexstring'
    # For good RegEx strings visit
    # If you are still unsure, check the given example below (email)
    # email: '^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$'
  15. Offline


    Can you please add support for HeroChat? Players can chat when not logged in
  16. Offline


    This needs spout support!
  17. Offline


    The "Logged in from another location" messages still exist if you logged-in with the same nick and change the first letter with a Capital letter or vise versa.
  18. Offline


    I am foreign.
    I do not speak English well
    So I explain briefly.
    My server is a guild server.
    If any user is connected to a different account
    F3 Clik
    This place is exposed
    i am finding that plugin
    if you are gamer
    if you don't login in web ,you don't login game...
    if user lock ip
    but if user login webpage login reload ip
    I say again
    I am foreign.
    I do not speak English well
    So if you feel a dilute to see
    I',m sorry
    Please Give me to understand
  19. Offline


    And what is your 1st lang?
    Maybye sb will translate your post from it?
  20. Offline


    i have a big problem
    if there is a new user and he will to register, minecraft will geting broken.
  21. Offline



    I have at present granted(tuned) AuthMe has my base of datum. I would just like to have a system which allows me of leave login user all the time after the login first one as long as I did not restart my waiter(server). But indeed on quite he(she,it) by contribution has their IP because otherwise everybody can connect on their account.

    Thank you has you:)

    Sorry for me English i am French
  22. Offline


    Is there any way to limit miltiple-accounts per ip? I hate when players make alot of fake accounts and invite them in some faction to gain power...
  23. Offline


    i just updated this plugin. i was still using 0.78 and recently installed spout. i was getting constant errors in the console after a reload. I also changed it from flatfile to MySQL.
    i have just 1 question now.
    All my users are getting the 'you must register' message just normally like it is supposed to.
    But when i log in... i get nothing? no messages about needing to register. i'm unable to move though so its working fine. I just don't get any messages.. maybe becouse i'm an OP?

    Edit: it works fine again after registering. It asks for to login just like normal. Still think it is weird it didn't tell me to register.
  24. Offline


  25. Offline



    I have at present granted(tuned) AuthMe has my base of datum. I would just like to have a system which allows me of leave login user all the time after the login first one as long as I did not restart my waiter(server). But indeed on quite he(she,it) by contribution has their IP because otherwise everybody can connect on their account.

    Thank you has you:)

    Sorry for me English i am French
  26. Offline


    were does it save the passwords?
  27. Offline


    My users where wrong!
    When a new player connects he only gets an error message 'ERROR: You are not registered!' When he tries to log in.
    He however does not get any messages on how to register. Normally you would get a message with 'use /register <password> to register' but new users don't see this message any more. How are they supposed to know they need to register when they join, if they are left motionless without any info messages?

    log doesn't say much.

    2011-08-16 12:24:11 [INFO] [AuthMe] Using MySQL as datasource!
    2011-08-16 12:24:12 [INFO] [AuthMe] Cache for registrations is enabled!
    2011-08-16 12:24:12 [INFO] [AuthMe] There are 24 registered players in database!
    2011-08-16 12:24:12 [INFO] [AuthMe] Version 0.84 is enabled!
        CacheEnabled: true
        Datasource: mysql
        ForceRegistration: true
        KickNonRegistered: false
        KickOnWrongPassword: false
        LoginTimeout: 90
        AlertInterval: 5
            Chat: false
            - uptime
                Enabled: false
                Radius: 20
            - uptime
        - Bot01
        Hash: SHA256
        PlayerNameMaxLength: 20
        PlayerNameMinLength: 2
        PlayerNameRegex: '[a-zA-Z0-9_?]*'
        Enabled: false
        MaximalTimePeriod: 5
        IPCheckEnabled: true
            ChangePasswordEnabled: true
            RegisterEnabled: true
            UnregisterEnabled: true
            LoginEnabled: true
            LogoutEnabled: true
            ReloadAuthsEnabled: true
            ResetAuthEnabled: true
            Host: localhost
            Port: 3306
            Database: minecraftauth
            Username: root
            Password: kokosnoot
            TableName: authme
            ColumnUsername: username
            ColumnPassword: password
        UnregisterResponse: '&aYou are now unregistered!'
        LogoutResponse: '&aSuccessfully logged out!'
        RegisterResponse: '&aRegistered using the password: &e%1'
        LoginResponse: '&aPassword accepted. Welcome.'
        RegisterExtraInfoCheckFailed: '&cYour %1 does not match our rules!'
        ChangePasswordResponse: '&aPassword successfully changed!'
        Hint: '&aYou were automatically identified and logged in. Welcome.'
        NotRegistered: Please visit our site to register your playername!
        OtherUserLoggedIn: There is already a player logged in with the same name! Try another one!
        DisallowedCharacters: Your playername (%1) is not set, contains invalid characters or is too short/long!
        Login: '&cPlease identify yourself with /login <password> Forgot password? E-mail
        Registration: '&cPlease register yourself with /register <password>'
        PluginReloaded: '&cThe server was reloaded! Please log in again...'
        Command: '&eTo register, type /register <password>'
        ForceRegistration: '&dYou have to register an account before playing!'
        FreeRegistration: '&dYou are free to register an account for best protection of
            your account!'
        DatasourceError: '&cInternal error! Please notify an admin about this issue!'
        NotRegistered: '&cError: You are not registered!'
        NotLogged: '&cError: You are not logged in!'
        WrongPassword: '&cError: You inserted a wrong password!'
        PlayerNotRegistered: '&cError: This player is not registered!'
        AlreadyRegistered: '&cError: You are already registered!'
        InvalidPassword: '&cInvalid password'
        AlreadyLoggedIn: '&cError: You are already logged in!'
    also reloads still don't work correctly. it gives me this error:
    2011-08-16 21:20:37 [INFO] Reload complete.
    2011-08-16 21:20:37 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2011-08-16 21:20:37 [INFO] [Showcase] Autosaved
    2011-08-16 21:20:38 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Removed 0 old records because of age in 0h00m01s.
    2011-08-16 21:20:39 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'register' in plugin AuthMe v0.84
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at de.fgtech.pomo4ka.AuthMe.PlayerCache.PlayerCache.setPlayerAuthenticated(
        at de.fgtech.pomo4ka.AuthMe.AuthMe.onCommand(
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        ... 12 more
  28. Offline


    this plugin don't reload mysql real-time
    when do server reboot And then that reload mysql
  29. Offline


    I have a feature request, many plugins are capable of using spout now, maybe you could add a check where is the player is using the spout client, then they are logged in automatically. Ive seen it suggested that users not have to login if they're premium, would this not work for atleast part of the premium users? As far as i know, there is no 'cracked' spout client. (Although it may be possible...) Apparently it is possible by using the cracked minecraft launcher... Still, it may be possible to make logins easier using spoutcraft. (Maybe a way to have the client remember the login and autologin?)
  30. Offline

    lloyd menzies

    Anyone that is getting

    Remove AuthMe plugin, AuthMe plugin causes this error to happen when a player spends to long logging in.

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