Inactive [SEC] AuthMe v2.5.1 - High Performance Authorization plugin [1818/1.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by pomo4ka, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    i would like this too.
  2. Offline


    I just wrote a PM to the CraftBukkitUpToDate maintainer to add this plugin.
  3. Offline


    Thank you very much.
  4. Offline


    Don't work whit custom messages:
        UnregisterResponse: '&aNon sei più registrato!'
        LogoutResponse: '&aNon sei più loggato!'
        RegisterResponse: '&aRegistrato usando la password: &e%1'
        LoginResponse: '&aPassword accettata. Benvenuto nel NiceOne       Craft!'
        RegisterExtraInfoCheckFailed: '&cIl tuo %1 non rispetta le nostre regole!'
        ChangePasswordResponse: '&aPassword modificata correttamente!'
        Hint: '&aSei stato automaticamente identificato e loggato. Benvenuto nel NiceOne Craft!'
        NotRegistered: Perfavore visita il nostro sito [URL=''][/URL] per registrare il tuo nick!
        OtherUserLoggedIn: Ci risulta che c'è già un player loggato con lo stesso nome! Provane un altro!
        DisallowedCharacters: Il tuo nick (%1) non è corretto, contiene caratteri invalidi o è troppo corto/lungo!
        Login: '&cPerfavore identificati usando /login <password>'
        Registration: '&cPerfavore registrati usando /register <password>'
        PluginReloaded: '&cIl server è stato riavviato! Perfavore loggati di nuovo...'
        Command: '&ePer registrarti, digita /register <password>'
        ForceRegistration: '&dDevi registrare un account prima d'iniziare a giocare!'
        FreeRegistration: '&dSei libero di registrare un account per garantire la miglior protezione del tuo account!'
        DatasourceError: '&cErrore Interno! Contatta un admin per risolvere il problema!'
        NotRegistered: '&cErrore: Non sei registrato!'
        NotLogged: '&cErrore: Non sei loggato!'
        WrongPassword: '&cErrore: La password è errata!'
        PlayerNotRegistered: '&cErrore: Questo player non è  registrato!'
        AlreadyRegistered: '&cErrore: Sei già registrato!'
        InvalidPassword: '&cPassword invalida'
        AlreadyLoggedIn: '&cErrore: Sei già loggato!'
    Version bukkit 1000
  5. Offline


    This works:

        UnregisterResponse: '&aNon sei più registrato!'
        LogoutResponse: '&aNon sei più loggato!'
        RegisterResponse: '&aRegistrato usando la password: &e%1'
        LoginResponse: '&aPassword accettata. Benvenuto nel NiceOne Craft!'
        RegisterExtraInfoCheckFailed: '&cIl tuo %1 non rispetta le nostre regole!'
        ChangePasswordResponse: '&aPassword modificata correttamente!'
        Hint: '&aSei stato automaticamente identificato e loggato. Benvenuto nel NiceOne
        NotRegistered: Perfavore visita il nostro sito per registrare il tuo nick!
        OtherUserLoggedIn: Ci risulta che c'è già un player loggato con lo stesso nome! Provane un altro!
        DisallowedCharacters: Il tuo nick (%1) non è corretto, contiene caratteri invalidi o è troppo corto/lungo!
        Login: '&cPerfavore identificati usando /login <password>'
        Registration: '&cPerfavore registrati usando /register <password>'
        PluginReloaded: '&cIl server è stato riavviato! Perfavore loggati di nuovo...'
        Command: '&ePer registrarti, digita /register <password>'
        ForceRegistration: '&dDevi registrare un account prima d''iniziare a giocare!'
        FreeRegistration: '&dSei libero di registrare un account per garantire la miglior
            protezione del tuo account!'
        DatasourceError: '&cErrore Interno! Contatta un admin per risolvere il problema!'
        NotRegistered: '&cErrore: Non sei registrato!'
        NotLogged: '&cErrore: Non sei loggato!'
        WrongPassword: '&cErrore: La password è errata!'
        PlayerNotRegistered: '&cErrore: Questo player non è  registrato!'
        AlreadyRegistered: '&cErrore: Sei già registrato!'
        InvalidPassword: '&cPassword invalida'
        AlreadyLoggedIn: '&cErrore: Sei già loggato!'
  6. Offline


    i saved it whit notepad, up on the server but still don't work.
    EDIT: pls up the working on megaupload. thx
  7. Offline


    I just tried it again, it is working on my test server...
  8. Offline


    This is working now. What program do you use for editing this file?
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Could you please make this plugin no case sensitive.
    e.g. if i'm logged in as BlazZer and someone connects as blazzer i get a kick
    but if i'm logged in as blazzer and someone connects as blazzer i get no kick
    would be great if you add this ;)
  11. Offline


    At first I could not reproduce it but with some more tests I found out what you mean.

    It will be fixed in the next release.
  12. Offline


    2011-07-24 13:14:02 [INFO] [AuthMe] Player elism0p tried to login with a wrong password!
    2011-07-24 13:14:02 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to AuthMe
        at de.fgtech.pomo4ka.AuthMe.PlayerCache.PlayerCache.getLastAlert(
        at de.fgtech.pomo4ka.AuthMe.PlayerCache.PlayerCache.isAlertNeeded(
        at de.fgtech.pomo4ka.AuthMe.AuthMe.checkAuth(
        at de.fgtech.pomo4ka.AuthMe.Listener.AuthMePlayerListener.onPlayerMove(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    CB #1000, AuthMe v0.84
  13. Offline


    This is not 0.84. The getLastAlert() and isAlertNeeded() methods dont exist any more.
  14. Offline


    Oops. My bad, sorry.
  15. I am using SpawnControl to change my global spawn point for new users and also have the /home etc commands.
    Using AuthMe it totally messes up with my global spawn point. When i dont have AuthMe then everything is fine...once i put the plugin then it works new players to the global spawn and not the spawn point i set up with SpawnControl....

    Also in the log when this happens i see this in the console (when it tps me back to global spawn)

    19:04:09 [WARNING] Sandbird moved too quickly! Elapsed ticks: 32, Distance change: 5346.27033160899
    19:04:09 [INFO] Prevented kicking Sandbird for reason: "You moved too quickly :( (Hacking?)"

    Same thing with HeroSpawn... it spawns me to the proper spawn point and after a couple of seconds it takes me back to the global spawn point and also there is no message from AuthMe to register in the server.

    If i have the radius set to true also, if the player tries to walk outside that radius then he freezes with a terrible lag.

    My guess is that AuthMe checks the location the player is at when they join in order to act upon it...the only problem is....the player is where he is suppose to be...while AuthMe checks the global spawn.
    Can you add an option to disable this check ?
  16. Offline


    Ok what is happening is this:

    1. A player connects
    2. SpawnControl tps the player to a place outside of the WalkAroundSpawn zone.
    3. AuthMe tps the player back to the spawn because he is outside of the allowed radius.

    While I am thinking on how to check that a player is within the allowed radius without knowing the middle point you can change 2 things in your config to make the problem disappear.

    Either you disable "WalkAroundSpawn" or you set the radius so high(20000 or more) that all possible spawnpoints are included.

    The radius is supposed to be a number not a boolean value.
  17. hehe yeah i mean it was set.Bad choice of words. :)

    And thanks for the worked perfectly :)
  18. Offline


    mmm my usses it that player can chat even if they dint log in with their password, its normal? PS: previuos version chat is forbidding from unlogged players.
  19. Offline


    Check your config.yml you can activate and deactivate the pre login chat there with:

            Chat: false
  20. Offline


    Could you maybe add a certain area for people to spawn in when you login?

    Because i had some people in my server where, they logged out while in the water, and when they logged in, they were drowning in the water while having to type in their password.
  21. Offline


    I could add is something like that:
    Player joins -> save position and tp player to the normal spawn ->after succesfull login tp player back to the other position.
  22. Offline


    Would be ok.
  23. Offline


    Yeah! I would definitely like that! :D
  24. Offline


    Big fail -> dont login you type 1 commands /plugins worldedit -> //fill 10 10
    and spawn lava...

    Plis Fix This Faill !!

    / -> its OK
    // -> It no OK

    sorry for me english i am french
  25. Offline


    This is either a bug in bukkit that does not create a event for commands with "//" or the worldedit guys do something weird and bypass the event system with their commands.

    Either way its not the fault of AuthMe as it can only block commands when bukkit informs the plugin that someone used a command...
  26. Bug report: when reloading the server, players can't login anymore and AuthMe says the players are not registered. After a relogin, it works again.
    Thanks anyway, great plugin!
  27. Offline



    Is it possible to auto auth Premium users, and ask for login only non-premium users?
  28. Offline


    I don't think so. There is no way for me to find out if a player is a premium user or not.
  29. Offline


    Found a bug, you can walk around without logging in. Sure you will be kicked after the kick period which is default 90 seconds but that still isn't good.

    I have a question, if I disable the cache will the cache inventory be moved to actual player inventory? I want to remove the plugin but I don't want the cache inventory being lost for some players.
  30. Offline


    what is "/authme toggleregs"?
    Well, now I have added the new column "email" in the database and now at the registration is asket correctly.. but I have over 3'000 account without this new information... how can I forcing their inserting of this field?
    Thx in advance.

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