
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iffa, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    This one might be tricky to make but should be possible... Make a plugin that has "seasons" - each season having a different chance of weather type rain/snow/thunder. Make the seasons change every X minutes/hours/days?

    Winter = lots of snowing, no rain
    Spring = some rain, no thunder
    Summer = some thunder, rare rain
    Fall = lots of rain, some thunder?

    I'd love to see something like this happen :D
  2. Offline

    White Sheep

    It's will be nice for MC 1.5, but bukkit is still on MC1.4
  3. Offline


    would also be nice if it would also change leaves/grass color too would be epic. also effecting the speed of tree/farm growth.
  4. Offline


    Bukkit has been updated. It is on 1.5 even though it's not a recommended build.
  5. Offline

    White Sheep

    It will be nice if we have total weather control:D

    Thnx for report!
  6. Offline


    Has anyone checked out the newest build of bukkit to see if there are any weather calls? It would be awesome if we could bypass the biome specific weather and have it snow everywhere in the winter. Just add snow to all chunks on load if it is during a snowstorm (is this possible?)
  7. Offline


    This should be possible when the team is finished with new features for 1.5...
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    bellardie likes this.

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