Scoreboard, String and blank lines

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by lespauls19, Oct 31, 2014.

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    Ok a couple things, I've tried researching this with no success. I need to know if it's possible to:

    A. Add a 100% blank line in the sideboard of a scoreboard, then a new centered objective title (Or just another way to add String and nothing else on a line)

    B. Adding a score where the score is String in a sideboard. Example
    Objective board;
    Score myScore = board.getScore(someString);
    public void setScore(String someString){
    If there is a current post on this and I just missed it feel free to redirect me.

    chasechocolate I read your excellent tutorial but I didn't see anything about String scores or blank lines, but if I missed anything please tell me.

    Example of what I need my sidebar to look like is this:

    somePlayer: intScore
    somePlayer: intScore
    somePlayer: stringInfo
    somePlayer stringInfo

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
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    You can make a blank line on the scoreboard with toString();
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    Thank ya much. As for a 100% String line (that's not the objective title)? Is that possible?
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    lespauls19 100%? For blank lines, just set scores:

    ChatColor.RESET.toString() + ChatColor.RESET.toString()
    ChatColor.RESET.toString() + ChatColor.RESET.toString() + ChatColor.RESET.toString()
    ... etc.

    You must append them because multiple scores can't have the same value ("§r", "§r§r", "§r§r§r", etc.)
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