Plugin category:School Minecraft version: 1.12.2 through 1.19 Suggested name:SchoolRP What I want: I would like it to allow me to add World Guard regions that I define for each individual classroom to be added to the class list. I would like there to be a feature to send students to the office. A Way to start class, end class, etc. a chat for the teachers/vice principal/principal. a separate chat room for the class that is in session. a School Broadcast/Announcement Feature. I would like there to be a config file that i can edit error messages, etc. it will need to use PermissionsEX to set the groups. Group Names: teacher, viceprincipal, and principal. And if they are fired, it will need to set them to the group named default. (I WOULD LIKE THIS TO BE AN EDITABLE FEATURE IN THE CONFIG FILE(S). Ideas for commands: /class list /class start <classroom number/name> /schoolsay <message> /classroom add <world guard region> /classroom remove <classroom name/number> /tc <message> /tctoggle /schoolrp teacher add (username) teacher /schoolrp vp add (username) viceprincipal /schoolrp teacher remove (username) /schoolrp vp remove (username) /sendoffice <player> /class end <classroom number/name> /schoolrp reload - RELOADS PLUGIN CONFIG FILE(S) /schoolrp help (ALIAS: /school help) Ideas for permissions: - schoolrp.teacher.add - schoolrp.vp.add - schoolrp.teacher.remove - schoolrp.vp.remove - schoolrp.class.list - schoolrp.class.start - schoolrp.class.end - schoolrp.classroom.add - schoolrp.classroom.remove - schoolrp.schoolsay - - schoolrp.tctoggle - schoolrp.sendoffice - schoolrp.reload - When I'd like it by: As soon as possible