Saving items in a config

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kampai, Jul 7, 2016.

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    I have made items that do a "special ability" and I'm saving them in the config, however I dont know how I would actually give them a name that I can call back and forth. I was thinking giving them a fixed Meta Data Value and use that to call back and forth which is what I might try. How would I do this?
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    ItemMeta is serializable, so it automatically stores it.
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    If I create a enum that refers to all the custom items I have, that would work, or is there a different approach I should take
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    What do you mean? If you want to store itemstacks, thats easy with set() and getItemStack(), but if you want to make preset itemstacks youre better off making a class with
    public static MyItem = new ItemStack(...
    variables for each item.
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    Sorry the title was a bit misleading and I'm pretty sure I worded what I said above wrong, but since some of the "abilities" aren't actually an item and just gives an effect, and I need that to be able to toggle on and off, so I'm trying to get that, but at the same time not refer to it as a Itemstack. Right now have is words for the enum for each ability name, and I'm planning to have a list of classes that the enum will switch through. (switch()) but i double that will work
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