/rules /admins /moderators /builders /level /afk

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Evolutio, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I have any problems.
    I didn't found any Mod what have my dreams.
    /rules open rules.tyt and give the Contents 01.Blablabla 02.knslfhshdfsdflsdjflsdkf in the chat.
    /admins open Admins.txt and give the Contens Headadmin: Evolutio
    /moderatros open moderatros.txt and give the Contents The Moderators are 1, 2,3 usw
    /builders open builders.tyt and give the contents The Current Builders are "adkjalksdklasjd"
    /level level.txt and give the level from the user
    /afk on and give the message in chat:"Evolutio is AFK"
    /afk off "Evolutio is not longer AFK"
    MfG Evolutio
    Excuse me for my bad english :)
  2. Offline


    i have made an afk plugin look in my sig for the link but it is still in early stages so there might be bugs :)
  3. Offline


    but i dont have a plugins folder on my Root folder.
    The folder callt "Minecraft" and the underfolder are:" world1" and a lot of any datas :)
  4. Offline


    So you're searching for plugins doing that? Use MCDocs for your rules, admins blabla and General for AFK.
  5. Offline


    where can i download the newest Version of the mod?
  6. Offline


    ^^ This

    See my sig for a link! :)

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