[RPG/MECH] mcMMO v1.2.07 - RPG Addiction Redefined! Multi-Lingual! [1337][1549]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by nossr50, Feb 5, 2011.

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  1. Offline


  2. BUG!!!

    When I write /stats, i see my mining LVL is 4, but when I write /mining, it says my LVL is 0
  3. Offline


    Hey with how much mcmmo does it could be causing a trouble as well. Just gotta run the debug for nossr so he can optimize and hope that if it is just minecraft that the next update can fix it.
  4. Offline


    Will I have to add that node in my config.yml?
  5. Offline


    Love the Mod. Works great for us. It has really added a new level of enjoyment for us. Not thrilled about adding sorcery though. I hope that we can completely disable it like other skills? We don't want magic on our server. Thanks
  6. Offline



    I Finally traced a bug i have been having back to mcmmo.

    On the double drops for Herbalism, The 2nd / 3rd / etc extra item that Mcmmo spawns is BUGGED. Example. if i have 64 Normal sugar canes, and i place one into the craft table, it makes sugar. If i use a double dropped Sugarcane in the craft table, it will not craft anything. If i take 1 Bugged Sugar cane and Add it into a stack of 63 of NOT bugged sugar cane, then the entire stack becomes bugged and will not craft. Even if you plant it and re pick it up, it remains bugged. I have tried everything but the only solution is be personally destroying the bugged sugar cane and giving the user spawned sugar cane. But it keeps happening, and it is annoying.

    I am thinking you are spawning the sugar canes in a weird way. If you add a data value to them when you spawn them i think that will make bugged sugar canes.
  7. Offline



    Erm, the configuration for the Performance Report spams the server no matter what the setting is in the config. D:
  8. Offline


    My players skills are get reset. No errors in console, no errors on anything. b953 and latest build of this.
    Anyone else have this problem?
  9. Offline


    Confirmed Read time out Is happening without mcmmo installed.... Something is wrong with minecraft_server.jar or craftbukkitSNAPSHOT
  10. Offline


    The config files changed I think. Check your config.yml
  11. Offline


    good to get a confirmation
  12. Offline


    Hey im kinda new with Bukkit, and i was wondering if anyone could help me set up the permissions for this mod. Im not sure which plug in to use and how to configure the file.

    For reference, the server is just me and my friends, about 6 people, and i'm the only admin.
  13. Offline


    Why would that reset only some of my players stats?
  14. Offline


    You never said that.....
  15. Offline


    I never got read timed out so... This has been confirmed that mcmmo is not the cause of the read timed out a long time ago. Thats why plugin developers don't even care because they know it's not there plugin lol
  16. Offline


    Heyho @nossr50

    can you change the /whois command to another, or an option to change it?
    Because many other Plugins use this for detailed User-informations.

    Is it normal, that /whois <username> only shows the userstats if the user is online?
    Whats about an option to disable the coordinates?

    I test your plugin since a few days and me and my users love it, thanks for it!
    (Whats about a Fishing skill?) ;)
  17. Offline


    If it is not MCmmo then why does it only happen when I add MCmmo and stop when I remove it? Also where has it been confirmed of what is the cause?
  18. Offline


    How can i make my own language? or how can i change the messages?
  19. Offline


    Can you post your permissions files? I have no idea how to configure mine.
  20. Offline


    Perhaps its an issue with minecraft based on amount of data that passes through. mmo mod would certain speed up if thats the case. Either way people are getting it without mmo so its deffently not just mmo thats causing it.
  21. Offline


    Using MySql-storage ;)
  22. Offline


    Not sure if this has been reported, but typing /mining shows the XP and level of Taming!

    McMMO 1.0.30
    MC 1.7.2
    recommended bukkit build 953
  23. Offline


    Nevermind, found out how to get permissions working with 3.1.6

    Heres the file for reference:
            default: true
                prefix: '[user] '
                suffix: ''
                build: true
              - 'mcmmo.regeneration'
              - 'mcmmo.ability.woodcutting'
              - 'mcmmo.ability.mining'
              - 'mcmmo.ability.axes'
              - 'mcmmo.ability.excavation'
              - 'mcmmo.ability.swords'
              - 'mcmmo.ability.unarmed'
              - 'mcmmo.ability.herbalism'
              - 'mcmmo.skills.*'
            default: false
                prefix: '&5'
                suffix: ''
                build: True
                interact: True
              - '*'
  24. Offline


    I just removed mcmmo as well and the read timed out non responsive server error doesn't happen anymore. My server has been up for 8 hours now.
  25. Offline


    We turned mcMMO back on this morning after 2 days off because of Read Time outs.

    We downgraded premissions to 3.1.5. Server has been running all day, no errors.
  26. Offline


    I didn't see any FAQs and I just set this up (awesome plugin btw) and I had a question:
    Do stats carry over into different worlds?
    So if I was mining/fighting/etc. in my main world, then I went to the Nether, would all my stats go with me?
  27. Offline


    Yes they do. We have multiple worlds setup and stats are global.
    ACStache likes this.
  28. Offline


    cool, thanks!
  29. Offline


    Alright I put up a notice about permissions 3.1.6 since I've received so many PMs about it...

    Anywho, I'm sorry I haven't fixed the known bugs yet I haven't been able to use the internet at my dads much these last 2 days. I'll have my internet cable on Friday (thanks again @newyorkdaily) and will be able to be more involved.
  30. Offline


    I heard that in the current version (1.0.32) mob spawners wouldn't get you xp. Can you toggle this off so players can get xp from killing mobs spawned from spawners?
  31. Offline


    I just installed McMMO and something isn't working right.
    It's with Woodcutting.
    1- It doesn't appear in /stats but can still be reached by /woodcutting.
    2- I didn't enable abilities on my server, but Tree Feller can still be activated.

    The only permissions I added to my config are 'mcmmo.skills.*' (to everyone) and 'mcmmo.chat.adminchat' (to mods).
    The config.yml was left mostly untouched except for the 'General' options (all set to false) and the pvp xp reward (to false).
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