[RPG/MECH] mcMMO v1.2.07 - RPG Addiction Redefined! Multi-Lingual! [1337][1549]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by nossr50, Feb 5, 2011.

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  1. Offline


  2. Offline


    2011-07-05 21:18:47 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DAMAGE to mcMMO
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer cannot be cast to org.bukkit.entity.Animals
        at com.gmail.nossr50.skills.Swords.applySerratedStrikes(Swords.java:141)
        at com.gmail.nossr50.Combat.combatChecks(Combat.java:105)
        at com.gmail.nossr50.mcEntityListener.onEntityDamage(mcEntityListener.java:140)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$55.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:628)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:321)
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.damageEntity(EntityHuman.java:423)
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.damageEntity(EntityPlayer.java:179)
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.d(EntityHuman.java:561)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:856)
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:84)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:451)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Causes server restarts all the time :/
    updated to 32 and anvils dont work now.
  3. Offline


    My players are not receiving self-damage from serrated strikes, but our PvP is set true on server config, but turned off via Essentials. So that may be giving us a loop through the missing code Pandemoneus is referring to. EDIT: That being said, everything is working a-okay for us.

    Bukkit 953
    McMMO 1.0.32
    PrivateWarp 1.4.8
    Essentials 2.4.1
    GravelClay 1.2.5
    Windows 7 64-bit desktop acting as a server.
    MySQL is on and working too.

    Thanks for the quick updates!
  4. Update your plugin.
  5. Offline


    Can you add it to the config where u can choose whether spawners give exp or not? Because i would personally like them to give exp for my server.
  6. Hey nossr50, axes, namely Skull Splitter, is bugged aswell. It damages you.
  7. Anyone else getting reports from players of losing their inventory recently? Only happening with us since a few hours, and we only updated MobArena and mcMMO in that time.
  8. Offline


    Can you set Xp from mob from Spawners configurable please ?
    Arena doesn't means anything now ^^
    Thanks in advance
    bellardie likes this.
  9. Offline


    I'm not. Recently (today) updated mcmmo and jobs from mcmmo version 1.0.2x.

    I lost my inventory but I'm pretty sure that's because I AFKd and died :(
  10. Offline


    How can I change the exp gain of the 'repair' skill? I've looked through the wikia, had a good look at the config.yml but I can't seem to find where I can change this.
  11. Offline


    @nossr50 Using MySQL creates a fuckton of lag. Can we fix this somehow?
  12. Offline


    Hey there,
    Our server is currently running both McMMO as well as EasyRPG. Apparently they are supposed to both be compatible, but /stats, /party, /mctop and some other commands arent working. We can still do specific skill commands, such as /mining, and we are still able to level up our skills and use abilities. Any suggestions?

    Thank you!
  13. Offline


    I don't think that we have a slow internet connection because we are on a 16gb RAM Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30GHz with 1000Mbit Uplink VServer
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Well I guess it might be a plugin but research the error... it just idk... :p maybe it's a problem with bukkit it's self?
  16. Offline


    Looks like I didn't completely fix the problem with serrated strikes/skull splitter, I'll put out another patch soon.

    Between 1.0.28 and 1.0.29 I rewrote a lot of code that was likely to have been causing lag for users, so its good to hear you had improvements around that time.

    You're going to need to be a lot more specific about your server setup etc...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  17. Offline


    What else is running on the machine with your Virtual Server? The other things along side it could be causing a slow down.

    Otherwise run the debug code so nossr50 has the information to try and figure out whats wrong.
  18. Offline


    Try out the lag debug for me and send me a PM, I'll be able to narrow down the cause of the lag
  19. Offline


    When ever me or another player moves around the taming skill keeps going up. Not even moves, being still also gives xp for taming.
  20. Offline


    Is it the MySQL thats causing issues? I was running just fine in regards to performance standards. I switched to MySQL for the database and now have been having serious lag issues.
  21. Ok, i need help. Ive updated from 1.0.12 to .29 and suddenly only woodcutting wont show up for my players. Nothing was changed to the permissions and they still have
    - mcmmo.skills.woodcutting (essentials groupmanager with bridge)

    Admins with * have woodcutting, oc, but nobody else.

    Can anybody give me a pointer where where the problem is?
  22. Offline


    Anybody know if i can set the xp multiplier to .01 ?
  23. Offline


    I cannot thank you enough for making this plugin, and for making monster spawners give no experience. I had a few players abusing that one. I have only one problem. I have set health regen to false, but I still regen health (I am an admin, and my permission node is set to '*'. Is there any way to stop that?
  24. Offline


    Issues with Timed Read Error

    Server Information:
    OS: Windows 64
    CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 @ 3.8GHZ
    RAM: 8GB DDR3 PC1333 In Dual Channel Mode (2 4Gb sticks)
    Harddrive: 1Tb Raid 0 (2 500Gb hds in raid)
    GFX Card: Radeon HD6850
    Internet Speed:

    What OS are you running? Windows 64 Ultimate

    Do you have any Antivirus running? They're all Disabled Norton Security Suite
    Do you have any firewalls running? Disabled Norton Security Suite
    Do you have any other software that may interfere with the network traffic in anyway? Skype, Aim

    2011-07-04 01:06:37 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.2
    2011-07-04 01:06:37 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-07-04 01:06:37 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2011=n, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] [Essentials] Payment method found (iConomy version: 5)
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsGeoIP build 2.4.1 by  Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and  Xeology
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/.
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsSpawn build 2.4.1 by  Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and  Xeology
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 3100 Books loaded!
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] FalseBookBlock v0.86.2alpha by GeMo enabled
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 2 Cauldrons successfully loaded.
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] FalseBookCart v0.86.2alpha by GeMo enabled
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] [FalseBook Core] FalseBookCore v0.86.2alpha by GeMo enabled!
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] FalseBookExtra v0.86.2alpha by GeMo enabled
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] FalseBookIC v0.86.2alpha by GeMo enabled
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] Found Diamonds STARTED
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] [HeroChat] HeroChat version 4.10.3 enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] [HeroChat] Permissions 3.1.6 found.
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] LogBlockQuestioner v0.02 enabled
    2011-07-04 01:06:42 [INFO] Loading Config File...
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [mcMMO] Permissions enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] mcMMO version 1.0.25 is enabled!
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] Memory max: 5592449024 bytes
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] Memory total: 4116054016 bytes
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] Remote Toolkit Plugin V0.45b enabled!
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [OpenInv] version 1.3.1 is enabled!
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Permissions] SQL Interface enabled!
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] SuperPowers v0.8 loaded!
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Towny] Database: [Load] flatfile [Save] flatfile
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Towny] Using: Permissions2, iConomy, Essentials
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Towny] Version: 0.71 - Mod Enabled
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [VanishNoPickup] 1.9.9 enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.6 enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds) Single session is enforced.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds) Lava fire is blocked.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'Proving_Grounds"
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds_nether) Single session is enforced.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Proving_Grounds_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'Proving_Grounds_nether"
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: 3 regions loaded for 'Proving_Grounds'
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.2.2 enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Citizens]: version [1.0.8h] (Realist) loaded
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Citizens]: Permissions enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Citizens]: Payment method found (iConomy version: 5)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: /D:/Minecraft%20Server/plugins/LWC.jar
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Loaded 133 locale strings (0 overrides)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> PLAYER_QUIT
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> PLAYER_DROP_ITEM
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> PLAYER_INTERACT
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> PLAYER_CHAT
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> ENTITY_EXPLODE
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> BLOCK_BREAK
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> BLOCK_PLACE
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> REDSTONE_CHANGE
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> SIGN_CHANGE
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] -> PLUGIN_DISABLE
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] Using Permissions API
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Loading SQLite
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Synched table protections (11 columns)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Synched table rights (5 columns)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Synched table menu_styles (2 columns)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Synched table sessions (3 columns)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Synched table locks (3 columns)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Synched table actions (5 columns)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Synched table modes (4 columns)
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: Using: Native
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] LWC: At version: 3.11
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Citizens]: Permissions enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [LogBlock] Permissions found.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [WARNING] [LogBlock] BukkitContrib not found. Can't log chest accesses.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [LogBlock] Scheduled consumer with bukkit scheduler.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] Logblock v1.10 enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Citizens]: Permissions enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] MobArena v0.91.2 enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Citizens]: Permissions enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [NoCheat] version [1.07] couldn't find CrafTIRC plugin. Disabling logging to IRC.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [NoCheat] version [1.07] is enabled with the following checks: moving speedhack bogusitems fastswim
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [Citizens]: Permissions enabled.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] Done (0.266s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 2 Areas loaded.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 0 Bridges successfully loaded.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 0 Doors successfully loaded.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] Gates successfully loaded.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] No Transmitters loaded.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] No Receivers loaded.
    2011-07-04 01:06:43 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] No Sensors loaded.
    2011-07-04 01:06:44 [INFO] [Citizens]: Loaded 5 NPCs.
    2011-07-04 01:06:44 [INFO] xReKLiSx [/] logged in with  entity id 119 at ([Proving_Grounds] 132.49681866940165, 67.0,  615.0636141128954)
    2011-07-04 01:17:01 [INFO] / lost connection
    2011-07-04 01:34:09 [INFO] R00K2KING [/] logged in  with entity id 14534 at ([Proving_Grounds] -266.72881724541605, 72.0,  619.2859388245656)
    2011-07-04 01:36:43 [INFO] Start backup
    2011-07-04 01:36:43 [INFO] Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 01:36:43 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 01:36:44 [INFO] Save complete.
    2011-07-04 01:36:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Save complete.
    2011-07-04 01:36:44 [INFO] Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 01:36:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 01:36:58 [INFO] Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 01:36:58 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 01:36:58 [INFO] Finished backup
    2011-07-04 01:42:04 [INFO] Creating empty config: D:\Minecraft Server\plugins\Essentials\userdata\superkiller99.yml
    2011-07-04 01:42:04 [INFO] SuperKiller99 [/]  logged in with entity id 21050 at ([Proving_Grounds] 436.5,  71.62000000476837, 424.5)
    2011-07-04 01:42:04 [INFO] Creating user SuperKiller99
    2011-07-04 01:42:15 [INFO] [g] SuperKiller99: Hey
    2011-07-04 01:42:25 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] R00K2KING: /back
    2011-07-04 01:43:09 [INFO] SuperKiller99 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 01:43:09 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 01:58:33 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] R00K2KING: /home
    2011-07-04 01:58:44 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] R00K2KING: /home
    2011-07-04 01:59:43 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] R00K2KING: /back
    2011-07-04 02:06:34 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] R00K2KING: /home
    2011-07-04 02:06:43 [INFO] Start backup
    2011-07-04 02:06:43 [INFO] Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 02:06:43 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 02:06:44 [INFO] Save complete.
    2011-07-04 02:06:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Save complete.
    2011-07-04 02:06:44 [INFO] Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 02:06:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 02:06:44 [INFO] [Citizens]: Saving npc files to disk...
    2011-07-04 02:06:44 [INFO] [Citizens]: Saved.
    2011-07-04 02:06:58 [INFO] Delete old backups
    2011-07-04 02:06:58 [INFO] [BACKUP] Removing the following backups due to age:
    2011-07-04 02:06:58 [INFO] [backups\30062011-223847.zip]
    2011-07-04 02:06:58 [INFO] Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 02:06:58 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 02:06:58 [INFO] Finished backup
    2011-07-04 02:16:19 [INFO] / lost connection
    2011-07-04 02:20:13 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 02:20:13 [INFO] R00K2KING lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 02:20:46 [INFO] Haxxy [/] logged in with  entity id 72820 at ([Proving_Grounds] 136.71875, 63.5, 1670.40625)
    2011-07-04 02:25:07 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: reklis you there?
    2011-07-04 02:36:43 [INFO] Start backup
    2011-07-04 02:36:43 [INFO] Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 02:36:43 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 02:36:44 [INFO] Save complete.
    2011-07-04 02:36:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Save complete.
    2011-07-04 02:36:44 [INFO] Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 02:36:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 02:36:56 [INFO] Delete old backups
    2011-07-04 02:36:56 [INFO] [BACKUP] Removing the following backups due to age:
    2011-07-04 02:36:56 [INFO] [backups\30062011-230847.zip]
    2011-07-04 02:36:56 [INFO] Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 02:36:56 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 02:36:56 [INFO] Finished backup
    2011-07-04 02:38:21 [INFO] / lost connection
    2011-07-04 02:38:25 [INFO] suki_x [/] logged in  with entity id 87067 at ([Proving_Grounds] 42.4375, 69.0, 422.40625)
    2011-07-04 02:38:35 [INFO] Mayor suki_x: hello
    2011-07-04 02:38:36 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: yo suki!
    2011-07-04 02:38:40 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: hello
    2011-07-04 02:38:45 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: :P
    2011-07-04 02:38:47 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: i am back
    2011-07-04 02:42:02 [INFO] suki_x lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 02:42:02 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 02:43:02 [INFO] suki_x [/] logged in  with entity id 91362 at ([Proving_Grounds] 25.21875, 69.0, 398.375)
    2011-07-04 02:43:08 [INFO] jocelinaa [/] logged  in with entity id 91844 at ([Proving_Grounds] 28.969993271067906, 66.0,  407.69999998807907)
    2011-07-04 02:49:20 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: cmodify jocelinaa
    2011-07-04 02:59:02 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS [/] logged  in with entity id 121547 at ([Proving_Grounds] 189.65225439238893, 73.0,  298.2395838907972)
    2011-07-04 02:59:21 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /back
    2011-07-04 02:59:40 [INFO] [g] KyleTaylorVS: Hello SnowPeak!
    2011-07-04 03:00:53 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /give KyleTaylorVS 37 64
    2011-07-04 03:00:53 [WARNING] KyleTaylorVS was denied access to command.
    2011-07-04 03:04:06 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Haxxy: /back
    2011-07-04 03:05:07 [INFO] [g] KyleTaylorVS: hey suki
    2011-07-04 03:06:43 [INFO] Start backup
    2011-07-04 03:06:43 [INFO] Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 03:06:43 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 03:06:44 [INFO] Save complete.
    2011-07-04 03:06:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Save complete.
    2011-07-04 03:06:44 [INFO] Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 03:06:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 03:06:44 [INFO] [Citizens]: Saving npc files to disk...
    2011-07-04 03:06:44 [INFO] [Citizens]: Saved.
    2011-07-04 03:06:57 [INFO] Delete old backups
    2011-07-04 03:06:57 [INFO] [BACKUP] Removing the following backups due to age:
    2011-07-04 03:06:57 [INFO] [backups\30062011-233847.zip]
    2011-07-04 03:06:57 [INFO] Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 03:06:57 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 03:06:57 [INFO] Finished backup
    2011-07-04 03:11:41 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /back
    2011-07-04 03:11:59 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /back
    2011-07-04 03:12:06 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /back
    2011-07-04 03:12:10 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /back
    2011-07-04 03:12:47 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /give KyleTaylorVS 23 64
    2011-07-04 03:12:47 [WARNING] KyleTaylorVS was denied access to command.
    2011-07-04 03:13:23 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /back
    2011-07-04 03:13:53 [INFO] [Town Msg] SilentWood: jocelinaa deposited 1000 into the town bank.
    2011-07-04 03:16:12 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: reklis!
    2011-07-04 03:16:19 [INFO] / lost connection
    2011-07-04 03:16:52 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /back
    2011-07-04 03:18:06 [INFO] [g] KyleTaylorVS: town
    2011-07-04 03:18:27 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /home
    2011-07-04 03:19:46 [INFO] Creating empty config: D:\Minecraft Server\plugins\Essentials\userdata\karnage953.yml
    2011-07-04 03:19:46 [INFO] Karnage953 [/] logged  in with entity id 163938 at ([Proving_Grounds] 450.5, 97.62000000476837,  424.5)
    2011-07-04 03:19:46 [INFO] Creating user Karnage953
    2011-07-04 03:20:04 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: fight?
    2011-07-04 03:22:43 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Karnage953: /back
    2011-07-04 03:23:37 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Karnage953: /kit tools
    2011-07-04 03:23:37 [WARNING] Karnage953 was denied access to command.
    2011-07-04 03:25:33 [INFO] itzdizzy [/] logged in  with entity id 174232 at ([Proving_Grounds] 2347.833061373773, 68.0,  -2659.6170588982163)
    2011-07-04 03:25:55 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: My town is a ghost town
    2011-07-04 03:26:47 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: free coal cool
    2011-07-04 03:26:54 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: cuz me diomand :)
    2011-07-04 03:27:42 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: yw
    2011-07-04 03:29:15 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: Wtf i had iron armor and leggings what happened to my money aswell -.-
    2011-07-04 03:29:30 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 03:29:30 [INFO] itzdizzy lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 03:29:35 [INFO] itzdizzy [/] logged in  with entity id 192449 at ([Proving_Grounds] 2284.3088392028076, 66.0,  -2633.7760791001824)
    2011-07-04 03:29:40 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: want some diomand?
    2011-07-04 03:30:05 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: How u finding so much diamond
    2011-07-04 03:30:09 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: cheating!
    2011-07-04 03:30:15 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: how do u cheat?
    2011-07-04 03:30:28 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: its minecraft
    2011-07-04 03:30:33 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: Xray?
    2011-07-04 03:30:37 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: xray!
    2011-07-04 03:30:40 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: wats that
    2011-07-04 03:30:41 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /back
    2011-07-04 03:31:16 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Karnage953: /spawn
    2011-07-04 03:31:16 [WARNING] Karnage953 was denied access to command.
    2011-07-04 03:31:19 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Karnage953: /home
    2011-07-04 03:31:21 [INFO] itzdizzy lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 03:31:21 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 03:31:22 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Karnage953: /home
    2011-07-04 03:31:29 [INFO] itzdizzy [/] logged in  with entity id 202570 at ([Proving_Grounds] 2387.5678680104606, 11.0,  -2656.3449798694996)
    2011-07-04 03:31:53 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: yo dizzy
    2011-07-04 03:31:58 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: Yo
    2011-07-04 03:32:05 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: Karnage how much diamond u have
    2011-07-04 03:32:06 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: suki
    2011-07-04 03:32:13 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: a few y
    2011-07-04 03:32:18 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: your using xray?
    2011-07-04 03:32:21 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: duki
    2011-07-04 03:32:24 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: wtf is xray
    2011-07-04 03:32:25 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: suki*
    2011-07-04 03:32:31 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: Xray a texture pack
    2011-07-04 03:32:34 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: no1 will tell me -.-
    2011-07-04 03:32:34 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: you can see trought the floor and you see ores
    2011-07-04 03:32:36 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: oh
    2011-07-04 03:32:46 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: you can seen through the floors and see diamond and shit
    2011-07-04 03:32:50 [INFO] [g] Karnage953: lol i have that but it only works on coal
    2011-07-04 03:32:52 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-04 03:32:52 [INFO] suki_x lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
    2011-07-04 03:33:10 [INFO] [g] jocelinaa: suki's pc froze,
    2011-07-04 03:33:26 [INFO] [g] jocelinaa: shes not sing any xray or whatever :P
    2011-07-04 03:33:31 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Karnage953: /back
    2011-07-04 03:33:31 [INFO] [g] jocelinaa: using*
    2011-07-04 03:33:36 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Karnage953: /back
    2011-07-04 03:33:38 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: she?
    2011-07-04 03:33:40 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: lol
    2011-07-04 03:33:52 [INFO] [g] jocelinaa: yes, she.
    2011-07-04 03:33:55 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: ok
    2011-07-04 03:33:59 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: Didn't you know haxxy
    2011-07-04 03:34:04 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: no sry
    2011-07-04 03:34:16 [INFO] [g] itzdizzy: have u not seen her skin lol
    2011-07-04 03:34:32 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: nope never been near her
    2011-07-04 03:36:28 [INFO] suki_x [/] logged in  with entity id 226680 at ([Proving_Grounds] 26.34375, 9.0, 428.59375)
    2011-07-04 03:36:31 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] Karnage953: /tp
    2011-07-04 03:36:31 [WARNING] Karnage953 was denied access to command.
    2011-07-04 03:36:33 [INFO] Karnage953 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 03:36:33 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 03:36:43 [INFO] Start backup
    2011-07-04 03:36:43 [INFO] Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 03:36:43 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 03:36:45 [INFO] Save complete.
    2011-07-04 03:36:45 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Save complete.
    2011-07-04 03:36:45 [INFO] Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 03:36:45 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 03:36:55 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 03:36:55 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 03:36:57 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: WTF
    2011-07-04 03:36:58 [INFO] Delete old backups
    2011-07-04 03:36:58 [INFO] [BACKUP] Removing the following backups due to age:
    2011-07-04 03:36:58 [INFO] [backups\01072011-000847.zip]
    2011-07-04 03:36:58 [INFO] Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 03:36:58 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 03:36:58 [INFO] Finished backup
    2011-07-04 03:37:04 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: ?
    2011-07-04 03:37:10 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: my traders gone!
    2011-07-04 03:37:13 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: npc*
    2011-07-04 03:38:42 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS [/] logged  in with entity id 233071 at ([Proving_Grounds] 80.28125, 27.0,  247.28125)
    2011-07-04 03:40:08 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /home
    2011-07-04 03:40:15 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 03:40:15 [INFO] itzdizzy lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 03:42:43 [INFO] itzdizzy [/] lost connection
    2011-07-04 03:50:09 [INFO] honeymonster199 [/]  logged in with entity id 253341 at ([Proving_Grounds] 187.46875, 79.0,  342.6875)
    2011-07-04 03:50:27 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: does redstone sell?
    2011-07-04 03:50:30 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] suki_x: /worth redstone
    2011-07-04 03:50:30 [WARNING] suki_x was denied access to command.
    2011-07-04 03:54:51 [INFO] honeymonster199 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 03:54:51 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 03:56:13 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] suki_x: /home
    2011-07-04 03:58:56 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 03:58:56 [INFO] jocelinaa lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 03:58:59 [INFO] jocelinaa [/] logged  in with entity id 281357 at ([Proving_Grounds] 98.09575113241965, 9.0,  464.4231042391162)
    2011-07-04 03:59:01 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: slime lol
    2011-07-04 03:59:09 [INFO] [g] Mayor suki_x: we got teh slime chunk
    2011-07-04 04:00:05 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:00:05 [INFO] jocelinaa lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 04:00:08 [INFO] jocelinaa [/] logged  in with entity id 282679 at ([Proving_Grounds] 96.91760830540129, 13.0,  467.5946288622856)
    2011-07-04 04:00:36 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] suki_x: /back
    2011-07-04 04:01:43 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:01:43 [INFO] jocelinaa lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 04:01:47 [INFO] jocelinaa [/] logged  in with entity id 285026 at ([Proving_Grounds] 98.75127767365163, 13.0,  468.611300069104)
    2011-07-04 04:02:38 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] jocelinaa: /home
    2011-07-04 04:05:19 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:05:19 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 04:05:41 [INFO] [g] Haxxy: brb
    2011-07-04 04:05:43 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] jocelinaa: /back
    2011-07-04 04:05:44 [INFO] Haxxy lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 04:05:44 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:05:51 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] jocelinaa: /back
    2011-07-04 04:06:02 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS [/] logged  in with entity id 290436 at ([Proving_Grounds] 40.875, 24.0, 224.625)
    2011-07-04 04:06:43 [INFO] Start backup
    2011-07-04 04:06:43 [INFO] Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 04:06:43 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Forcing save..
    2011-07-04 04:06:44 [INFO] Save complete.
    2011-07-04 04:06:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Save complete.
    2011-07-04 04:06:44 [INFO] Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 04:06:44 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Disabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 04:06:44 [INFO] [Citizens]: Saving npc files to disk...
    2011-07-04 04:06:44 [INFO] [Citizens]: Saved.
    2011-07-04 04:06:57 [INFO] Delete old backups
    2011-07-04 04:06:57 [INFO] [BACKUP] Removing the following backups due to age:
    2011-07-04 04:06:57 [INFO] [backups\01072011-003847.zip]
    2011-07-04 04:06:57 [INFO] Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 04:06:57 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Enabling level saving..
    2011-07-04 04:06:57 [INFO] Finished backup
    2011-07-04 04:07:25 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 04:07:25 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:07:31 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS [/] logged  in with entity id 295518 at ([Proving_Grounds] 43.28125, 10.0, 239.4375)
    2011-07-04 04:09:03 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:09:03 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 04:09:09 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS [/] logged  in with entity id 299222 at ([Proving_Grounds] 79.69999998807907, 48.0,  245.30000001192093)
    2011-07-04 04:09:19 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:09:19 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 04:09:25 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS [/] logged  in with entity id 300756 at ([Proving_Grounds] 79.69999998807907, 48.0,  245.30000001192093)
    2011-07-04 04:12:36 [INFO] §9[PLAYER_COMMAND] KyleTaylorVS: /give KyleTaylorVS 52 64
    2011-07-04 04:12:36 [WARNING] KyleTaylorVS was denied access to command.
    2011-07-04 04:13:59 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-04 04:13:59 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:15:02 [INFO] KyleTaylorVS [/] logged  in with entity id 314697 at ([Proving_Grounds] 84.77919341830714, 6.0,  214.36974658150004)
    2011-07-04 04:24:23 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-04 04:39:54 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 04:43:58 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-04 05:03:27 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-04 05:26:17 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-07-04 05:58:13 [INFO] Read timed out
    Running mcrtoolkit wrapper
    .Bat file
    @echo off
    java -Xmx30M -Xms30M -XX:MaxPermSize=40M -jar Minecraft_RKit.jar 
    #Minecraft Remote Toolkit Properties File
    #Sun Jul 03 14:15:50 PDT 2011
  25. Offline


    So I just started using Bukkit today and installed this plugin but it doesn't let me access any skills. What did I do wrong or what am I not doing? Please help. Thanks.
  26. Offline


    I have multi worlds when i attack a animal in the none pvp world i get this how cam i fix it?
  27. Offline


    Get what? That looks like fairly normal activity? :confused:
  28. Offline


    you guys are truly amazing, thank you so much, you deffinitly helped my server get better
  29. Offline



    First of all, Great plugin. by far the best Skill leveling plugin I've used, and the most fun.

    It would be very nice to have some way to Force remove people from parties. either an admin command like
    /party remove PLAYER name with a permission node like mcmmo.party.remove

    or allow the party creator to remove players with a similar command, but NOT be able to remove players from other parties (not as important)

    Basically, I've replaced any sort of "guild" or "faction" plugin with mcMMO's awesome Party feature. I like it alot, and it means I have to configure one less plugin, But if a party Leader wishes to force a player out of the party, he may not do so, nor can an admin... Unless I've missed something.

    Thanks for reading, Really great work you do.
  30. Offline


    ^^ and/or at least password protect a party.
  31. Offline


    Could you please reply to my pm, i'd really like to here your response. :3
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