Revive unsupported plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by valdark, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I currently use iGrow on 1.4. Although it is outdated and has some issues with the timer I have found settings in the config files which allow me to run it with very little issue.

    Another forum member and I were discussing the possibility of this being revived however that member has not responded in some time.

    The original author of the plugin has released the source and is no longer interested in updating.

    I use this plugin to degrade buildings over time depending on the blocks surrounding them and it adds a very important element to my server.

    Looking at the dev build of bukkit for 1.5 I can see this will most likely break completely.

    I unfortunately do not have the coding knowledge necessary to resolve this myself.

    Is anyone interested in picking up the reigns?
  2. Offline


    Did the developer gave you permission to let someone continue is work ? what is the plugin for ?
  3. Offline


    un lerning how to upgtrade plugins for new cb builds. when i get back from doing stuff im gonna finish the tut and test out a plugin. if it works we shall talk lol
  4. Offline


    Raspberry obtained permission from TechGuard for this plugin to be taken over. Raspberry seems to have lost interest without updating the plugin.

    The plugin is a block replacer based on a configurable set of formula.
    # oldBlock,newBlock,needBlock,Chance:OutOf,enableNear


    #leaves on Mossy Stone

    which allows leaves to replace air when next to mossy cobble at a rate of 2 out of every 100 blocks

    I use this to simulate many forms of natural growth and decay. Flowers, mushrooms, and pumpkin spread.
    Cobblestone decays over time into mossy cobble then gravel then plant type.

    The possibilities are limited by your creativity really.
  5. Offline


    I'll look at it.
  6. Offline


    That is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking a look.

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