Resetting maps (Arena, castle battles etc.)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by schilligb741, Aug 9, 2014.


Have you seen this feature on any other servers? Is there a plugin for it? (If so, please tell!)

  1. Yes

  2. No

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    Greetings. I once saw on a server a airship battle sort of thing, and at the end of every battle, with ships destroyed, world edit would automatically reset both ships. I was wondering how can I do this, and is there a better option? (I do not mind if not.) For example, I want to have a castle siege sort of thing, and at the end of the battle, the castle(s) will most likely be destroyed. I want to be able to have the map reset back to a fixed state. Thank you for your time, and if your need any clarification to supply a clear answer, please do not hesitate to ask. Cheers, schilligb741:)

    (I have seen this feature on other servers such as Mineplex, The HiveMC, etc.)
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    Why is there a poll? :S

    I use worldedit and variabletriggers to do this. First, I select an area with worldedit and create a backup (I think worldedit calls them snapshots?). Then I use variabletriggers to make a minigame and at the end I reset the map. However, since youre using something else for the minigame, it seems, I would suggest you make the sign/button/whatever you use to start restore it everytime before you begin. If youre scared of VT for any reason, all you need to do is one line of code, "/vt click @CMDOP [Worldedit command to restore area]" then click on the button/sign you use to start the match. If you don't have a mod to regulate the minigame, go ahead and add TPs too by doing the same thing, "vt click @CMDOP tp x y z" which will restore the map, and teleport the player to the starting point. Need a little more information on your minigame (how its started, how it ends, when you want it to reset the map) to give you more specifics. If you don't want to go the VT route, I'm afraid you'll have to find, create, or request a mod to both reset the map and play your minigame.
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    Okay thanks. lol thought I might have one just cause. :) Also, how would I do the backup/snapshot process? Is variable triggers easy to use in your opinion? Thanks for the information by the way.
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    Ugh! I feel bad, I don't think VTriggers is going to be much help. I mean its possible to do but it would either be sloppy or require tons of code including variables and such and I don't think you want to learn how to do all that...

    On the plus side because I felt bad about telling you it would be easy and then learned it would be much more complicated I looked around and found this
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    Okay thanks. I once say this take place on a server where at the end of each battle, the server would run a world edit copying and pasting command, thus resetting the map. Have you heard of this before?
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    Thanks checking it out
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