Reset Mines

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Christopherdmusd, May 14, 2014.

  1. I pretty much want a prison plugin for my friend.
    Name: DimensionMC
    Prefix: -<DimensionMC>-
    ^(All Color Blue)
    You can create automatically resetting mines that reset with predefined items but in a random order.
    To create a mine-
    /mine create <MineName>
    To add a timer, (The time it takes for it to reset)
    /mine timer <MineName> <Time In Minutes>

    Whenever a mine is reset, in the chat it displays in cyan color

    [^Mine <MineName> Has Reset^]

    Remember, whenever a mine is reset, it resets with the blocks in random order!

    To define blocks that respawn in each mine, add them to the config which will look like this

    - <BlockName> <Dominance>
    - <BlockName> <Dominance>
    - <BlockName> <Dominance>
    - <BlockName> <Dominance>
    And so on...
    Dominance will be the measure on how plentiful this item spawns. Each item will have dominance in percent, as defined in the example config. If stone spawning has 50% dominance, then 50% of the random order will be Stone.

    The End!
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    There are many plugins like this. A google search would be a good idea before coming here.

    Reported for breaking forum rules.
  3. billytheDOLPHIN Do any PrisonMineReset Plugins follow my custom messages? No, they do not; so I am not really breaking the rules, it is a "different" plugin.
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    Yea but its very similar so is considered modifying current plugins
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    Prison Mine offers custom prefixes and messages. My last post was removed by a mod.
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    billy, you will soon realize that going ballistic on these forums gets you nowhere, just makes you look like an ass. Just stop posting before you damage your reputation further.

    and Christopherdmusd
    Prisonmine will give you all of these features.
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