Reset a world when all players leave it

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by lzravanger, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Is this a possibility for PvP maps? I have a server im hosting for RFW maps and when everyone leaves a world I want it to reset itself. I can do it manually but this is a pain and world edit is difficult. Does anyone know a plugin that does this, because I feel it was mentioned in a live stream before.
    MinopolisMc likes this.
  2. Offline


    It might be possible. I think you would have to have a base copy of the world that isn't loaded. That way if everyone disconnects, it unloads the world and copies the base over it.
  3. Offline


    Does it matter if you get a completely new world or is that the whole idea? I don't think it's really hard, just use onPlayerTeleport, then check if the world he leaves is empty.
  4. Offline


    Create a ramdisk and write a script to fill it with worlddata.
    After remounting it will be reset.
  5. Offline


    alright so let me clarify, it doesn't simply generate a new world on leaving, it generates from another file, so like a parkour map or something would reset itself if you leave it. Maybe put a timer to account for disconnecting too but that's a later addition.
  6. Offline


    So, does anyone here know a plugin which does this?
  7. Offline


    I need a plugin with this feature badly! I'm sure theres one somewhere. Post on this thread if you find one!
  8. Offline


    The simplest way is to unload the world without saving, then just load it again, that should just be a couple of lines of code in a plugin. Unfortunately I am quite busy atm, but I hope some one makes it for you or you find a plugin thr does this.

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