[Requesting dev help] RPG - Quest plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Brant Wladichuk, Sep 6, 2011.

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    Brant Wladichuk

    Hey everyone.

    I was originally developing this exclusively for my server. But as my ideas grew larger for it, I realized I bit off more then I can chew. So, I'm requesting the help of someone way more experienced with java.

    Its meant to be a simple system.

    Basic premise -
    Right click a pre-determined wool block. (wool colors determine exp level needed for quest)
    Whispers to player the quest ie, "Acquire 10 gold ingots"
    Player collects ingots
    Player clicks same block
    Player loses ingots. And is rewarded with items and exp.

    Example Config setup:
        wool:    // defines requried exp level to access quest
            red: 10
            yellow: 7
            blue: 4
            white: 0
            title: "Gold!"    //quest title   (printed)
            description: "Collect 10 gold ingots."    //what you have to collect  (printed)
            wool: white    //determines required experience
            item req: 266 10,    // Items required to gather ( 10 gold ingots)
                items: 302,303,304,305    //rewarded full chain mail
                exp: 10    //exp rewarded
            completion: "Congrats! You are rewarded A full chainmail suit and 10 EXP."  //message
            title: "Forgetful Baker"
            description: "Help the baker make a cake."
            exp req: 3
            item req: 355, 38, 25 2,
                items: 3
                exp: 10
            completion: "Congrats! heres a piece of dirt!"
    You can add as many quests as you wish.. quest1, quest2, quest3, quest4 etc etc etc

    To set a quest...
    type /quest set quest1
    Then click existing block.
    Block changes to proper color, and is bound to the quest.

    I've left out a bunch, but you get the basic idea

    Thanks for you time. I only looking for someone to co-develop it with me. So if your up to it, lemme know!

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