[Request] Treasure Hunt

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by crysis992, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hey guys, I've just got a idea for a plugin.

    Suggested name: Treasure Hunt

    What I want:
    A Treasure Hunt plugin, once per day you can get a treasure map via /th get.
    This command costs xxx money (defined in config), if you have enough money you get a map with a custom name (Treasure map xxx).
    A position should be marked on the map you have to reach to find the chest. The chest should ONLY generate if the owner of the treasure map is on the exact position. Once you found the position, the treasure chests will appear & you have 60 seconds to open and get the items, else the chest will disappear.
    The chests should contain random items (defined in config) & you should get a defined amount of EXP if you reach the position.

    The area for the treasure maps should be defined via WorldGuard, and the treasure maps/position should be randomly generated inside this area(on the top, not in a cave(maybe on grass only))

    Ideas for commands:
    /th get -> Get the treasure map (useable once per day)
    /th cancel -> cancel the treasure quest & remove the map from your inventory.
    Admin Commands:
    /th tp <id> -> teleport to the treasure position
    Ideas for permissions:
  2. since it already exist a treasure hunt named plugin I'd name it treasure map instead. But the idea sounds good.

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