[Request] Tracking Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ZenithPvP, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: [FUN][MECH]

    Suggested name: Tracking-Plugin

    What I want: Hello BukkitDev, ZenithPvP Here.
    I would like a plugin where you can track other players and narrow them down to a 25 block area
    So bacicly you put a diamond block in the middle and whatever side you add obsidian on to like North South East West when you type /track all it will show something like this:
    Ex of a tracker:
    Also when you type [ /Track ] It will say the following message
    &cInvalid /track usage
    &7Try using /track all or /track [PlayerName]
    Also when you track message wil be like so:
    &9Players Tracked:
    &5&lWest &7(&f%Distance%): %PlayersTracked%

    &5&lEast &7(&f%Distance%): %PlayersTracked%

    &5&lNorth &7(&f%Distance%): %PlayersTracked%

    &5&lSouth &7(&f%Distance%): %PlayersTracked%

    Alright when players track a single player it will only show that persons name on what sides player is on like this say player was only on West and south It will show this
    &9%Player% :
    &9&lWest &7(&f%Distance%&7): %Player%
    &9&lSouth &7(&f%Distance%&7): %Player%
    If there is noone on the tracker distance it will show this:
    &7There are no players on the tracker.
    Recap of tracker there is a Diamond Block in the middle and when you add 1 obsidian to 1 side that adds 25 blocks more that the tracker will check if player or anyone is on the tracker, but theres a catch if there is no gold block at the end you cant track if there is no gold block a mesage comes like this:
    &cInvalid Tracking Device!
    &7Make sure you have a Diamond block in the middle! Also make sure you have a gold block at the end!
    Ideas for commands: /track all and /track [playername]

    Ideas for permissions: Everyone should have all permissions for this

    When I'd like it by: ASAP
  2. Offline


    If you google, Minecraft Tracking plugin you will get what you are looking for.

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