[Request] Plugins: Present

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by mrsagency, Dec 24, 2012.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Present

    Features: Enables Chest to become present (Changing texture), send presents to other players.

    Ideas for commands:
    /gift <player>
    Feature: First select a chest with the items inside to be sent(shift+right clicking). Type the command and the chest will be sent to the player selected as a Gift(Chest). The player receives a chest with Present Texture(Minecraft Xmas Suprise). When the chest is placed somewhere, the chest will contain the items which is put in the chest before sending it.
    **The Chest will be consumed.

    Ideas for permissions:
    present.gift - Allows players to gift a present.
    present.receive - Allows players to receive presents.

    Ideas for config.yml:
    present.slot: <number> - Allows player to use only X slots while sending present.
    present.money: <amount> - Player must pay for X dollar for sending a gift.(Economy Plugins)

    Hopefully Mojang don't remove the texture of Present Chest after Xmas Suprise on the next update.
  2. Offline


    Present chest is client side.
  3. Offline


    Can't change texture from server side?
    If can't, ignore the textures.
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