[Request] More Hearts

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mr360zack, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Hello Bukkit community, Mr360zack here.

    I am currently working on my PvP server, and am looking for ways to add a new aspect to PvP.

    Then it hit me. As of 1.6, a new potion effect had been added that adds more hearts to players. (Which makes this plugin highly possible)

    I'm looking for a plugin that can add extra hearts to certain players via permissions (I use PEX/groupmanager)
    Member: reg hearts
    Donor rank 1: gets permissions for extra hearts such as " - morehearts.1"

    Etc etc

    I'd really like this! Thanks!
    Include a CONFIG if possible. If you'd like to do this, I'll reward you on my server, or you can just do it.
  2. Offline


    I've been looking for a plugin like this for a while! I hope someone can make it!
  3. Offline


    I'd like this done ASAP please :)
  4. Offline


    like morehearts.1 adds 1 more heart, or 1 more row? (I can easily do both)
  5. Offline


    Iwill try to create this (don't know if i can do this because im still very new but it will be a good exercise :p)
  6. Offline


    Have not tested anything out, but this looks quite easy to do with the new health API in 1.6.

    I'd try and make it, but I'm currently busy at this moment. :/
  7. Offline


    TryB4 morehearts.1 adds *1 more heart*
    And so on,
    Morehearts.2 = 2 extra hearts
    All the way up to morehearts.10 = a whole row of extra hearts

    The_Doctor_123 it'd be great of you could do it! ;)

    Thanks everyone, just tag me here with the link to the plugin once done please and thank you. ;)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  8. Offline


    I'll try to do this if I have the time. :)
  9. Offline


    BDKing88 that'd be awesome! Anyone make it yet...? :/
  10. Offline


    I am currently in the middle of creating a plugin like this. It is called HealthMenu. It does not have any permissions/config yet (the plugin is experimental) but I will be adding them soon! Basically, what my plugin does is when somebody right clicks on a sponge, it opens up a menu where people can choose their max hearts. I am just waiting for an admin to approve it on BukkitDev.
  11. Offline


    This would be great for donors on my survival server!
  12. Offline


    Its going good for my try im not gonna say much about it because i dont want my ideas to be stolen ;)
  13. Offline


    Guys. That plugin has already been made. Basic functionality, but I suggest you check it out:

  14. Offline


    But it was made for 1.5, we want one where they use the extra hearts, for 1.6.
  15. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Did you tried it?
  16. Offline


    Well there is a way to add extra hearts in 1.6 and you couldn't do that in 1.5...That's why they want this :p
  17. Offline


    If no one else minds I can make this pretty quickly.
  18. Offline


    That'd be great! :D
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    I attempted making it but the getMaxHealth(); and setMaxHealth(); just wouldn't work for me. No idea how to work with it :p Sorry!
  22. Offline


    Can i please see your code?
  23. Offline


    Yeah we need to see code to help :)
  24. Offline


    HK_ZOMBiiE Mr360zack Plugin is done, I have done minimal testing and it seems to work.
    Download is at github at https://github.com/daboross/PluginRequest-ExtraHealth/releases/tag/v1.0.0.

    Configuration/explanation is at https://github.com/daboross/PluginRequest-ExtraHealth/blob/master/README.md.

    Source code is at https://github.com/daboross/PluginRequest-ExtraHealth.

    Xerfox If you want to look at my source code to see how I did it, feel free!


    Could some of you test this out and reply with the results? I did minimal testing that seemed to work (using zPermissions permissions plugin) and I would like some more varied tests if possible.

    Also I will be making a BukkitDev page for this soon.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    roei12 You do realize that I had already created a plugin that is a lot more customizable than that one, right?
    There is no problem in having two of them, just wanted to check.
  27. Offline


    Are you going to place it on plugins.bukkit. I think more people will be happy to see it there.
  28. Offline


    Go4Nightfire I am, I just put it on the github while I make the page :p
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    i saw your's after creating my plugin xD

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