Hello Bukkit community, Mr360zack here. I am currently working on my PvP server, and am looking for ways to add a new aspect to PvP. Then it hit me. As of 1.6, a new potion effect had been added that adds more hearts to players. (Which makes this plugin highly possible) I'm looking for a plugin that can add extra hearts to certain players via permissions (I use PEX/groupmanager) Eg. Member: reg hearts Donor rank 1: gets permissions for extra hearts such as " - morehearts.1" Etc etc I'd really like this! Thanks! Include a CONFIG if possible. If you'd like to do this, I'll reward you on my server, or you can just do it.
Iwill try to create this (don't know if i can do this because im still very new but it will be a good exercise )
Have not tested anything out, but this looks quite easy to do with the new health API in 1.6. Code: player.getMaxHealth(); player.setMaxHealth(); I'd try and make it, but I'm currently busy at this moment. :/
TryB4 morehearts.1 adds *1 more heart* And so on, Morehearts.2 = 2 extra hearts All the way up to morehearts.10 = a whole row of extra hearts The_Doctor_123 it'd be great of you could do it! Thanks everyone, just tag me here with the link to the plugin once done please and thank you. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I am currently in the middle of creating a plugin like this. It is called HealthMenu. It does not have any permissions/config yet (the plugin is experimental) but I will be adding them soon! Basically, what my plugin does is when somebody right clicks on a sponge, it opens up a menu where people can choose their max hearts. I am just waiting for an admin to approve it on BukkitDev.
Guys. That plugin has already been made. Basic functionality, but I suggest you check it out: PermissionsHealth
Well there is a way to add extra hearts in 1.6 and you couldn't do that in 1.5...That's why they want this
HK_ZOMBiiE Ok. Work is in https://github.com/daboross/PluginRequest-ExtraHealth. Should be done shortly
I attempted making it but the getMaxHealth(); and setMaxHealth(); just wouldn't work for me. No idea how to work with it Sorry!
HK_ZOMBiiE Mr360zack Plugin is done, I have done minimal testing and it seems to work. Download is at github at https://github.com/daboross/PluginRequest-ExtraHealth/releases/tag/v1.0.0. Configuration/explanation is at https://github.com/daboross/PluginRequest-ExtraHealth/blob/master/README.md. Source code is at https://github.com/daboross/PluginRequest-ExtraHealth. Xerfox If you want to look at my source code to see how I did it, feel free! Edit: Could some of you test this out and reply with the results? I did minimal testing that seemed to work (using zPermissions permissions plugin) and I would like some more varied tests if possible. Also I will be making a BukkitDev page for this soon.
Here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/more-hearts/ (Waiting for approval) Download: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/more-hearts/files/1-more-hearts-v1-0/
roei12 You do realize that I had already created a plugin that is a lot more customizable than that one, right? There is no problem in having two of them, just wanted to check.