[Request] Chairs&Tables

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by mrsagency, May 26, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Tables

    What I want:
    - Tables: Similar to a plugin called Showcase, but the item on the "Table" can be put or taken by right clicking. (Only <amount> of items can be placed on one table.
    Suggested Blocks are: Fence+PressurePlate above it ==> Make a "Table"

    - Maybe a tutorial guide when creating tables?

    Ideas for commands:

    /t create - Create a table where the player pointing at (Required the setup first)
    /t purge - Clear all preset tables.
    /t clean - Clear all items on all table.
    /t reload - I don't need to explain this, right?

    Ideas for permissions:
    - tables.use - Allowance of using of tables
    - tables.make - Allowance of making tables

    - tables.purge
    - tables.clean
    - tables.reload

    P/S: The previous similar plugins are all abandoned, so I request this plugin! :D
  2. Offline


    this one is still working but it is without table I have to say:
    Chairs Reloaded
  3. Offline


    Oh thank you, how about the tables? Who can make a plugin like that :p
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    I know CraftBook has your chair functionality as well, as long as you installed ProtocolLib. As for your showcase plugin, I'm not sure if that is possible with the current Bukkit API, but I could be incorrect.
  6. Offline


    Forget about the chairs, I wan tables O_O

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