[REQUEST] ARMOR / WEAPONS restrictions with Permissions (2.x / 3.x)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MojoManagement, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hey guys,

    i could need a plugin, with you can define permissions per groups, who can wear armor/use weapons, who cannot.

    For your infomation:
    INSIDE levelcraft-code there must be a controlsystem for this i want to.
    levelcraft is hooked to permissions and to itself(if this class has the skillable level to wear/use)
    So maybe someone could extract it to a permissions-only-thing. (you dont need a level for wear it, if u have the permission, you can always wear)

    Looking forward for informations!
  2. Offline


    um thats a harder plugin to make im not intrestid for my first plugin

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