[REQ] Titles - Willing to pay

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by THG3, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hello. I am looking for someone to code a very simple plugin for me that would allow users to select prefixes and titles based on permissions. I know that bPermissions uses permission nodes for prefixes so I think that this would be the way to go. I basically want a user to be able to type something like '/title' and they would be able to view all the titles or prefixes they would be allowed to have based on their user group.

    If you would like more detail on this please contact me via PM or reply to this thread.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  2. Offline


    Doesn't anymore, it now stores them in a "metadata" object.
  3. Offline


    I can do it :)

    I'm guessing you use bPerms.. :?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  4. Offline


    I actually use PEX but I'd be willing to switch to a different permissions plugin if needed.
  5. Offline


    I could write something like this easily for bPermissions.

    If you like I'll put it on my list of "todo" peripherals for bPermissions?

    It'd effectively let people change their prefix for "x" amount of cash and each prefix has a permission node associated with it?
  6. Offline


    Yeah I mean basically I have donors that are able to have colored names. I want them to be able to select their colored name or title or whatever from a drop down menu (provided they have permission for it) and be able to select their color without admin involvement. Something like '/title' then they would see a list of possible options they have permissions for. There would have to be a permission node for each title.
  7. Offline


    A command based menu is fine? :3

    I think something like
    [Titles] Please choose a title to purchase
    /title green - '&5' - $50
     /title red - '&6' - $80
    I'd have zero problems whatsoever doing something like that with the bPermissions API for you.

    Obviously the only question is do you want it to apply to all worlds (the prefix) or just the world the player is in at that moment in time.
  8. Offline


    All worlds yes. However I'd rather just have it to where I can put the permission node example: "red.titles.titleplugin" and so on, and they would have the option to choose red from the list. No need for the dollar amounts to be listed.
    So if they have the permssion node for red, blue, and light_grey they would see..
    [Titles] Please choose a title
    /title green - '&5'
     /title red - '&6'
  9. Offline


    The permission nodes would be more like "titles.red" but yes ok, would a global price be fine then set in a config.yml?
  10. Offline


    Like an economy price?
  11. Offline


    What other kind of price would there be? :p
    THG3 likes this.

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