im wondering whats the status on this i have seen sevral ideas and posts is the "unofficial official" goal to 1. create a creep - 2.set a limit for the creep (growth time/block limit) - 3. implement block growth so it doesnt grow to 64 maybe 2 or 3 thick (perhaps an option) - 4.Implement some sort of multiworld to allow creep in one world and not others?
Howdy Sbirematqui, I think the features I have planned for the iGrow plugin could do this in a simplistic way. The recipe in question would be something like: Code: (air) to (netherrack) adjacent (netherrack) requires (1 face:not [air or netherrack]) This should cause netherrack to grow in the fashion you described in the first post.
Same I think this plugin would be great! Just make it so only say admins or ops can start creeps and so only admins can get the drops... I would suggest you add some way to protect and area [like spawn] So that there are some places like the admins house were the creep simply won't go... -Just my thoughts EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I'm an idiot, the current IGrow is obselete. >< Good feature, but i think a simple plugin is better than a complete plugin, if the simplest plugin is working. Ok, i should be patient.
Not obselete, I've been running the current iGrow for two months without problems (though the default timer of 33 seconds is crazy, I run it on 3600 seconds so it only runs once an hour). I do plan on improving performance and revamping the config files to add new "requirements" like a single face or "not" conditions, etc. Not sure about the admin only bit but you could use "OtherBlocks" to stop netherrack from dropping netherrack in the "world" (of course this would apply to all netherrack in that world. Also, a much tougher (and maybe not possible) feature for iGrow is requirements for a region (or "not" a region).
Well you could just not allow other players to use nether at all useing on of the many already available plugins for that... I just meant that any such feature would be nice but that the dev could focus on the main part of the request and possibly add such a thing later....just a thought....
I made this ages ago. Netherrack infects organic material and soul sand spreads uncontrollably. WARNING: make a map backup before using!!! How does it compare to iGrow?
Igrow is a lot more flexible. Currently recipes are basically - block changes to block adjacent to another block with a particular chance value (effectively speed of growth). Examples are cobble to mossy adj water, gravel to clay adj water (slower), clay to bricks adj lava, air to leaves adj mossy, etc. this occurs within a configurable radius if players (default 100). Unbeatable with default interval of 33 seconds, I currently use an hour interval and still looks good after running your server for a few days. Want to increase performance and decrease the interval sometime.
I can verify Zarius' statements on iGrow. I have been running it since before it became "obsolete" and have the same experience with the timer.
Krm, 5 seconds of laag on my marvelous server, with 1 Gio dedicated memory and a dual-core processor... I think a dedicated plugin must be better, but, i'm not a plugin developper, so...
Ermm... how much netherrack and soul sand do you have? :S it's only designed for use with SMALL amounts