[REQ] [SPOUT] MobArmy (Minecraft RTS)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by mikeyagoto, Nov 21, 2011.

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    Im not sure if this is possible, and i looked around and didn't see anything like this, but is there a way to make other mobs act like wolfs? In that they can follow you around and only attack things you attack? I don't think it would work with creepers? maybe... Also if it were possible to click on a character rather than attack them to send a specific mob after them. some of the functionality of this but with other mobs? http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fu...v0-6-0-let-your-wolves-defend-you-1337.34285/

    Edit: im planning on making a Minecraft RTS where the players control mobs to do battle! so other things I would like, but aren't necessary would be a way to distinguish mobs controlled by other people, like 4 different colors (like the collar on dogs) or give them some armor (just to distinguish not necessarily provide protection) any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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    its very close, I was kinda thinking more of a combination of the two, the pets plugin only has the mobs attack if attacked and cant be controlled by the owner, also a more individual control option would be amazing, like being able to send single mobs to a certain location or to attack a certain character. (i'm kinda thinking of making a rts style game inside of minecraft)


    Better summary:

    The idea is to make a minecraft RTS. Each player can control any kind of mob (amount may be determined by a taming level). The player can select (by left clicking with a control object) individual mobs they control, a specific species, or specific individuals and these mobs would be highlighted (prolly needs spout for this) then the player can right click on a block for the mob to move there, or on a player or enemy mob for it to attack. The mobs could have a GUI that allows you to give them armor and items (making them useful as pack animals as well) The Mobs would have their own hunger and health bars that would function the same as the players, and if they have food in their inventory they would automatically eat it when they are not in combat if the food bar gets low. AND to sum it all up, if the health bar of each player and mob can be displayed above their heads? (maybe a separate plugin?). Soo, does anyone think this is possible? and would they or someone they know be interested in this?

    Thank you all!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016

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