[REQ] RP info

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PsychoMantis, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category:
    Role Playing
    Suggested name:
    RP info
    What I want:
    A plugin that allows users to save their own information, regarding their in game chatacter.
    Ideas for commands:
    /setinfo name <name> - Set's your characters Nickname eg. Steve_Jobs (Can only be changed by admins once set)
    /setinfo race <race> - Set's your characters Race eg. Orc (Can only be changed by admins once set)
    /setinfo age <age> - Set's your characters Age eg. 24 (Can only be changed by admins once set)
    /setinfo description <description> - A small paragraph of info about your character
    /setinfo settlement <settlement> - The area of which you live on the server
    /setinfo ? - Comes up with the information regarding each of the above commands
    /readinfo <username> - Comes up with another users info, could be integrated with Factions to list the users Faction as well.
    Add username to the end for command to take effect on another user
    Ideas for permissions:
    rpi.user - User permissons (Setting their own info)
    rpi.admin - Admin permissions (Setting other users info)
    The plugin would be used on Hardcore Role Playing servers
  2. Offline


    I tought I saw a similar plugin once. Maybe search a little. I can't help you further.
  3. Offline


    I support this!

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