Filled [REQ] Rankup with kits plugin (hard)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iYarnick, Oct 17, 2014.

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    What I need: A plugin that allows to level up a rank with money. And every new rank can use a newer kit, where you have to be at least that level for to get it. The plugin also needs so I can create kits in it which I can use for the /kit command.

    I would love if you send me this plugin ASAP. Thanks!
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    iYarnick Why is this marked as filled? Did someone already do this, or....
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Nahh, he is just new, probably doesn't know what it means.
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    No, they haven't yet. If you would make one for me. I'd love that! I didn't knew what filled was so I used it :$.
  5. You can give a new permission kit when he do /rankup there is a lot of plugins doing things like that .
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