[REQ] Player Ranking {MySQL}

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by worstboy32, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Suggested name: FWrank

    What I want:
    A plugin that let admins and moderators set ranks for players that they can claim back at any time.
    I'm using a custom plugin called FWempire and this allows users to join Empires or Classes and this will also change there group.
    This means for donators and moderators etc that they will always lose there current rank when they switch there Empire or Class.
    This is really annoying and a lot of administration work to set them all back.
    So we had a plugin before FWdonate that included this function but that plugin is broken.
    That means this part also can't be used and we really need it for our server.

    So what it basicly does is that admins/mods (players with permissions) can set other players there ranks.
    This ranks will be saved in a MySQL table and when a player does /getrank it scan the table and it check if he have a rank to claim.
    You are probably wondering why would you use MySQL for that?
    It's because we have multiple servers with the same ranks and donators get there ranks on all servers.
    That means we only have to set the rank 1 time and the player can claim it on all servers.
    When the player have no rank it should just return with a message that he can't claim any rank.

    Ideas for commands:
    * /setrank {name} {rank}
    This set the rank for the given player.
    Rank must be a valid rank from the config or if possible use vault to check permissions groups.
    When the player already have a rank it override the current rank and set the new rank.
    * /delrank {name}
    This remove the rank or the player from the database.
    * /getrank
    This is a command for the player to claim his rank back.
    * /checkrank {name}
    This checks what rank the player currently have

    Ideas for permissions:
    fwrank.admin - Used for /setrank /delrank and /checkrank.
    fwrank.user - Used for /getrank

    Other info:
    - As i stated above there is already a plugin with this part inside it and i have the source of it.
    This means you could just grab the code out of that plugin and create a plugin of it.
    Unless you want to code it from scratch doesn't really matter from my side as long as it works the same.
    I will sent the source by pm or on skype to the dev that's interested.
    - Pm me or add worstboy32 on skype for more info for rewards.
    - If possible use Vault to check the permissions groups so ./setrank can only be used on groups that actually exist. That will prevent wrong ranks because of typos or whatever.
    - For the /getrank you could make a config for a set of commands that happen or just make it use vault and ADD the group.
    - If possible add a config with ranks that get removed on /getrank
    That way i could make it so when you do /getrank and you got already donation rank 1 and the admin did ./setrank donation rank 2 and the player claims his rank that all old donation ranks get removed so all ranks inside the config.

    Hope someone is interested in making this.
  2. Who developed your other plugin FWdonate? Ask him maybe he can help.
    Offtopic: You pretty much have a successful server at my point of view.
  3. Offline


    Hes not be able to make it anymore.
    All our devs are on holiday for kinda a long time.

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