Looking for a Pirate type terrain generator that would work with MV. I think what would be cool is the following: 10-20 feet of dirt 40-60 feet of ocean large random islands small and big with very sandy beach fronts. Rather then random dungeons how about random generated chest on some of the beaches. But allow this to be an on and off chance. So it be a perfect world made for more building then mining and harvesting. Could maybe do stone though and random ore's 20 deep down and just have them twice the amount as you find on say a normal generated world.
https://github.com/Nightgunner5/Ban...yers/minecraft/banana/gen/BaehcGaneroter.java What? I didn't say anything!
This would, in fact, be awesome. Though I'd be equally interested in a hybrid situation, where huge oceans are generated between continental land-masses and archipelagos. Those chests you mention? They should be buried in the sand by default. >.>
Kind of amazed how this is such a hot request. Haha for once I requested something others wanted <3 Lets see if I know someone who might want to give a crack at this! @NVX Hello <3
Well, minecraft does not have any bigger seas. How can you build underwater base in that 5 block deep lake? Or how can you build a ship that is almost bigger than water itself?
come on its minecraft, make the ocean yourself /jk on a more serious note, it would be nice to have this
Patience, progress is happening... I'm also working on a boat populator that (VERY RARELY) spawns a shipwreck underwater @Kane Progress so far... EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.