[REQ] Medieval Warfare

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mathias Eklund, Sep 23, 2012.

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    Mathias Eklund

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    I could do the first one.

    What do you want each class do actually do?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
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    Mathias Eklund

    basicly, restrictions. If you havent picked a class. you can only use a woodensword. it's up to you how you make the classes balanced. but i want no skills at all! just classes and they have the ability to wield/wear diffrent things. like the medic can only use wooden sword and leather armor :) but have a special weapon that heals, not full heal just like 3-4 hearts.
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    So bassically you want a plugin that does this:
    • able to create areas (adding groups + ??adding blocks that arent allowed to be placed broken used?? ??no building for outsiders??)
    • classes(all have different permissions/usable items ??carrying certain items? placng certain blocks??)
    • recognize patterns of blocks(banners)
    • group pvp
    • ???some way to earn money???
    i think this is what you want with stuff i thought of adding myself between "?"
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    Mathias Eklund

    xd, yes thats correct, block wont be break able exept trees and ores :) so th eblock part is bs :) and the banner part could be like you say, and money is taken care of aswell :) and pvp is on for teammates aswell so, not tricks on the pvp way :) and classes should spawn with a standard wep, for their class. citizens a wood axe same with serf etc
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    Challenge accepted.
    done so far:
    • adding groups you like into a file.
    • Able to sethome.
    • have stats (levels/kills/deaths)
    • saving chunks in an list.
    havent started on anything else yet
    so short: you can make groups and add things groups can/can't do
    players can set their home and have a list of stats
    chunk bases protection
    thats is what im working on atm and is mostly done
    rest still has to be implemented.
    next steps will be
    • starting items
    • item whitelist/blacklist
    • Voting system for lords
    • ally/enemy system
    • default group is neutral.
    • list of nonbreakable stuff in the "Wildernis"
    • block whitelist/blacklist
    • group whitelist/blacklist
    • recognision for block patterns(wool).
    • point selection for banner location.
    • some way to select and save your own banner
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    Mathias Eklund

    There shouldn't be any levels. Just the classes. Or well, jobs. I wrote this stuff early in the morning. But no levels? And no home set.
    Pm me the next info instead of this thread.

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