[REQ] Lockpickable

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Nazerb, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Make doors and chests to be lockable. This is a basic idea what it would be like:

    You have your door and you hit it with 10 gold in your hand to make it 'your door' it takes the gold for this, This door could be broke into with a wooden hoe with 50% chance and any above 100% chance. You then hit the door with 50 gold to upgrade the locking system, where a wood hoe will not work a stone has 50% chance and any above 100% chance. And on and on for both doors and chests.

    This would need to be configable with the amount of gold and the percentages.
    Support permissions so only certain people can lock-pick it. - By-pas the protection for admins.
    Once lock-picked it will stay un-lockpicked till the door is repaid for.
    Lose hoe on fail.
    To add some one to the lock you right click it then hit them.
    Command to make a object unbuyable
    Great for Rp

    Note: As this is for rp servers i want as little commands as possible with the only one so people cant buy it.
    Benjaneer likes this.
  2. Offline


    interesting concept, I think it would be more like this though would be more possible:

    you right click a chest or door with gold or some configurable material and for each click it will deduct one out of the inventory and increase the lock status by a configurable amount. When using a Hoe it would be something like this for every swing:

    Wooden : -1 Lock Health
    Stone : -2 Lock Health
    Iron : -3 Lock Health
    Gold : -4 Lock Health
    Diamond : -5 Lock Health

    and those could be configurable too.

    Just here is the problem, I do not know of any way to stop the chest from opening when right clicked or how to stop a door from opening/closing when clicked.

    Otherwise I really like the idea.
  3. Offline


    Those are some good ideas, if you could find out how do you think you would make it?
  4. Offline


    maybe, I'm working on so much right now. But summers coming up so I'll be out of school and then I'll be more able to do stuff.
  5. Offline


    Great thanks.

    On more thought i think i would prefer it if there was levels instead of just adding hp to the lock.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  6. Offline


    Cancel PlayerInteractEvent.
  7. Offline


    LWC also locks doors. :p
  8. Offline


    @Wakko : yes, but that is quite different then this request.

    @Paah : I have tried, but it always seems to still open the door or chest, I can cancel the interact event, but it's almost as it there's a separate event for them, cause nothing happens.
  9. Offline


    You could always record the door's state when the event triggers and set it back afterwards.
    Did you try to debug the event cancellation?
  10. Offline


    Or maybe it is in another event, yes. Try to display a message to a player where it Should close again.
  11. Offline


    Yeah but there not pickable.

    Anyone up to making this?
  12. Offline


    @Paah : Yes I did, it canceled the interact event, but it seems that the door opens anyways, almost as if there should be a door open/close event. Also tracking the door opening and closing, yeah, that's possible, I could probably make a custom event for DoorOpenEvent and DoorCloseEvent, but I'd have to do that anyways really.

    @Lolmewn : If you read the quote you posted, you'd find out that I sadi I have tried to use event.setCanceled(true) and it did not do anything, so repeting it doesn't help any.

    @Nazerb : Exactly what I said. I'll make it sometime.
  13. Offline


    Oh yeah, read over it. Sorry!
  14. Offline


    Really? Brilliant, do you have a possible timeframe?
  15. Offline


    um... not really, hopefully a week or two.
  16. Offline


    That will be fine. Thanks
  17. Offline


    Lockette/LWC Support?
  18. Doesn't LWC have an API? Maybe you could write the plug-in as an add-on for it.
  19. Offline


    Yeah as long as it works like up there.
  20. Offline


    Sounds cool but, isn't that rather expensive to the player just to lock their doors...? I guess that's the idea. Sounds interesting.
  21. Offline


    This is going to be done in the LCLocksmith/LCSecurity level.
    Users can lock doors and chest. But other players can unlock them using a pick lock.
    The greater your level the higher the chance of breaking in. :)
    The greater your level the stronger your chests can be locked.
    It is currently a WIP.

    Also note: Levels will have no commands. All is done via some other means.
    ie. Changing range on Dynamite is done by leftclicking with a dynamite stick held.
  22. Offline


    Hmm but i dont want level craft :/
  23. Offline


    Still up for it?
  24. Offline


    Oo, I stopped cause I thought you were going to use the suggestion above...
  25. Offline


    No i hate level craft :/ so do you think you are up to it?
  26. Offline


    um, I guess I can try to make this, not sure how long it's going to take though, my old files are somewhere on my computer but I can't find them so I may have to start over, is so maybe 1-2 weeks, otherwise maybe a few days. I'll keep you updated. Is their any specific plugins you want this to work with? like example, using iConemy to buy better locks.
  27. Offline


    It would be best if it can use gold out the inventory to pay for the locks. As I prefer that then iconomy.
  28. Offline


    ok, I'll make iConemy support though, it'll be in a config. now everyone's happy
  29. Offline


    Yeah sure that will be fine.
  30. Offline


    Sweet :D can't wait.

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