[REQ] Invisible floor

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Kordys, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I have idea, what if you want to make invisible floor.

    It would work like this :
    • You will build a floor/wall (for best effect build it with glass)
    • Next you will mark corners of object with some item
    • It will become invisible, if player will get close enough he will see it
    • Like a Magic Carpet
  2. Offline


    This is only possible if everyone had the same texture pack. This is possible if you force everyone to run spoutcraft.
  3. Offline


    no ! i mean like a magic carpet, it will spawn blocks around you if you are too far away... block disappear
  4. Offline


    I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  5. Offline


    Look at that video, you will see how i mean it

    As you are walking straight blocks straght of you spawns and blocks behind you dissapears, so you have always a circle of glass under you
  6. Offline


    what about using Block 36 because of its invisability
  7. Offline


    Block 3 ?
  8. Offline


    Magic Carpet works by tracking the player's location and forming glass underneath them, removing glass when the player's radius leaves it.

    It does not make an entire invisible layer among the x and z axis.

    The easiest way for you to do this is with a texture pack, as mentioned before; however, I don't think this can be done (with or without Spout) as far as I know.
  9. Offline


    hahaha my bad i ment block 36!
  10. Offline


    Wrong quoted post. X3;;

    To clarify to those that don't know, block 36 is what a block currently being pushed by a piston is assigned to. It holds data concerning what the block actually is, its attributes, etc.

    However, the biggest flaw with your idea is that the block is always nonsolid. <_<;; That means you can walk/fall through it...
  11. Offline


    we use it as walls on my server so that people dont goto certain areas so i dont know how its not a solid
  12. Offline


    OMG ! see my montage

    I will create my path like this...

    Next i will mark corners like this...

    Next i type some kind of /<command> and it will make your blocks invisible

    Next if i walk thru it it will draw blocks around me like on these images

    But in real there is no any block !

    Practical to make secret paths to secret rooms or something like that
  13. Offline


    Makes sense to me and IS possible just need to store the block locations and OnPlayerMove change air to the correct block (within a radius around players) May I ask what you would use this for?
  14. Offline


    Try controllerblock & False book player detector :)
  15. Offline


    @dak393 i can use it like invisible path to chest full of gold

    or if you build it vertically you can use it like a museum, you arent annoyed with that cheap glass... only if you walk too close it will stop you (i know i can use something like izone but it becomes player freezing and you looks laggy when you are jumping straight and back) for too if you build it above you and you create it of lava, it may be beutifull effect... if you wanna make harder maze or just "jumping event" who jumps to his reward first

    or what about a mine field (hidden TNT and pressure plate on it)

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