[REQ] Fly Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by AStevensTaylor, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I want a plugin that allows my players to use the fly available in creative mode, but not use the instabreak hand and the item spawning and unlimited items, any more questions add me on skype : AStevensTaylor
  2. Offline


    This sounds simple enough that i'd be surprised if it hasn't been done already. Did you search for it?

    Edit: Maaaaybe not too simple, but i'll have to search bukkit's javadocs more :)
  3. Offline


    i requested this before. pretty sure it cant be done.
  4. Offline


    This is something i'd ask a bukkit dev about. @Dinnerbone

    (Are there any methods in the API that can change the way gamemode works?)
  5. Offline


    Sadly it would require a lot of changes to both bukkit and the client for this to work as the server just says Creative and the client enables the flying and the menu (to some extent) menu cant be tricked with out the server knowing. I hope :eek: that would be some hack :eek:. basically theirs no way for the server to say just fly with out the inventory.

    that being said i think notch should make flying and creative separate classic never had flying and it was just fine. (granted most did mod it to add flying)
  6. Offline


    Of the 10 times I've responded to posts with this exact same topic, you would figure some one could find one. The fly method that comes along with creative mode cannot be seperated from creative mode. The best that can be done is to disable inventory and plock place.
    AStevensTaylor likes this.
  7. Offline


    Thank you all for this info, perhaps just request it from notch then. (Or a Bukkit Dev)
  8. Offline


    Yeah there needs to be a temporary sticked thread for people who want to request this...
  9. Offline


    OK new idea... Someone makes a plugin that mimics the fly in creative mode. With PermissionsEx, PermissionsBukkit, etc. I am sure there will be many donations if someone could. ;)
  10. Offline


    The creative mode fly is the only built in fly. Anything else would be client side.
  11. Offline


    you need to mod your jar for this but if you are to lazy then get MagicCarpet it lets you fly but can get annoying at times (id recommend it if your server has little to no lag)
  12. Offline


    You could try using spoutfly? It's not my favorite though...
  13. Offline


    Use IBICF
    Eric1212 likes this.

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