Suggested Name: Discover Bar (I really don't care what you call it ) Plugin Category: Roleplay (If anyone has played Skyrim, it's pretty much the exact same bar system) What I Want: Discover Bar would at ALL times show a boss bar at the top of the screen for every player. This bar would show the location of placed depending on the distance a player is away from that location. This is what the bar will look like with No locations close to the player: -------------------------------------------------------------------- As a player rotates so does the bar, and if there is a location close to the player it would look like this: -----------------------------------X------------------------------- If a player is >50 blocks away from any location, it will show upon the bar, if he is <50 blocks away from the location, it will not show up. All locations will be in the form of an 'X', and no close location will be a '-' Ideas for Commands: - /db set <location name> (Sets a location on the block you are standing on, this location will now show up on the bar) - /db remove <location name> (Removes a location previously created) Ideas for Permissions: - db.use When I'd like it by: 3 months (max)
this is a good idea, but how would you make it link into the levels/ whatever oh nvm, i are potatoe EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
wowzersam If i have time today i will try to see what i can do, otherwise if noone has helped you today, i should have reports tomorrow. Otherwise hopefully someone look over this post. Vastrix yea this will be a little advanced. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Vastrix I dont use Github, if i decide, i will use another resource to give the source of the plugin. Or it may be included in a zip with the plugin. Control + A, Control + C, Control + P Also if you use eclipse it has built in github usage
Onlineids Thanks for the information, i already know about hastbin, pastebin and etc, and ive never knew that eclipse had a built in github usage. Thanks for letting me know!
wowzersam If mactown21 doesn't make it, I will. This sounds awesome, and I look forward to making it. Even if mactown21 makes it, I probably will still end up making my own version.
IvanTheForth Go ahead and make it. Im currently busy with other things aswell. I did start on it but its not even 45% complete
wowzersam Do you want the "-----------------------------------X-------------------------------" in the health bar? or the text above the health bar?
wowzersam Awesome. I have good progress on it. I have the waypoint system, and a way to give the yaw between your location and the waypoint.
wowzersam It will probably be done with what you want by tomorrow or Friday. I do plan on adding A LOT more to this plugin (I really like the idea).
wowzersam What I have so far :> I am adding things that allow the user to change the x to any other 1 char icon they want.
IvanTheForth Looks nice! I'm glad you allow changes with the character, that will be really helpful. Perhaps make color changeable too?