Be able to log in console and to admins whenever someone in creative [without the ignore permission] gives themselves items that are on the 'list of watched items'
I looked at this, but I don't know how to check for inventory changes... There really should be InventoryChange event :x
I'm not sure about that, but I know McMyAdmin can log it if you create a javascript/batch file to log it.
Spout? It doesn't do this as far as my knowledge goes. Not in the configs and nothing is logged. If you're talking about the API for checking inventory, maybe it does.
Well, why not, will look at it hmmm... inventory_change is on todo, i could do a workaround so if they have the item in their hands/drop it etc. it will be logged, we have to wait for the new bukkit-build i think EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I have just started this, if all goes well i may have to done later today, however it will require spout (server side not client side) for the listener.
I created a plugin called AntiShare at one point. It basically stops the placing/breaking/dropping/interaction of blocks (and items) if the player meets certain conditions. You could use it so they simply cannot drop/place your 'blacklist' of items because the plugin can block ONLY creative players or (if you really wanted to) block any player. There is an 'exempt' node (for OPs by default).
ok all done, heres a temp location to grab it until it is approved on BukkitDev, edit: well that was fast, its approved on bukkitdev:
Obviously, cause it was an excellent idea! Thank you so much. If you keep this up to date I'll gladly be willing to donate to keep it updated. I love you long time. <3 Btw, if you can make it possible to log everything from the creative inventory, i mean EVERYTHING, I'd be VERY happy.
i'll try and keep it up to date, that shouldn't be a huge deal. I'm going to try working on it in the next couple days to get it so that if they are removing stuff from a chest it won't flag them, but besides that little hiccup it should work well.
Lovely. It doesn't seem to be working. Players are able to spawn items on the blacklist without any console logs or ingame messages or them being denied access. Would you be able to make it so that when you type /cw or it's alias /creativewarning say like.. "Reloaded" or something? Just more user friendly. Also... When a blacklisted item is taken from the inventory "%PLAYER% has tried to spawn himself %ITEM%. If you need any more suggestions or improvisions, hit me up steam or skype! Steam: Skype: ihasamoose EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
yah idk why it's not working, it was working when i tested it, so right now i'm back on the drawing boards, when it was tested my private server it gave the warnings, but it isn't now. The message is very similar to the one you mentioned, and i will add the reloaded message. Sorry i didn't see the reply till now because I didn't subscribe, but i'm working on trying to figure out why it's not working edit: I figured out the problem and am working on a couple more things before i re-release it, should be good in the next couple hours if i can figure out this last issue