I own a small invite-only server and would like to ask if you can code a plugin for me (at a price if you want). I need a plugin where an admin can setup regions where players can bid for them. The bidder who won the bid after [x] time will then be able to build(create/destroy) blocks in that area. If a player does not own the land where he is currently standing, he can: - walk (enter it) cannot: - build blocks - destroy blocks - toggle/access blocks such as (doors, hatches, levers, buttons, pressure plates, chests, furnaces) Is it also possible to-prevent the player form using TNT to blast another plot of land from a plot of land he owns?-prevent mobs from entering and spawning in areas which are owned? -have a 3sq/5sq wide 'corridor/hallway' between each region? This is just a rough idea. Please contact me if you are interested! I really look forward to this. If you know of any plugin which can already do the above, tell me! Thanks, Capeguy