Repeating Task

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Fhbgsdhkfbl, Jun 8, 2016.

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    I'm coding a tutorial plugin for my server, and I need a task to teleport players around the server, every 15 seconds, I'm not sure whether to do one runnable, or multiple. I'd appreciate the help.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    @timtower How would I make it teleport someone to a new spot after 15 seconds?? I'm new to runnables so...
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Fhbgsdhkfbl You store the UUID, time and location somewhere.
    Time will be in seconds from start of the tutorial.
    Runnable will move the player when time%15 == 0
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    @timtower Show me an example please.. I'm confusing myself so much..
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Fhbgsdhkfbl I don't spoonfeed.
    Get the teleporting working first, make a method that will teleport a player by UUID to the next teleport location.
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    I have the player in an ArrayList, I'm trying to figure out how to the runnable part and teleporting them to multiple locations after a certain amount of time.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Fhbgsdhkfbl You also need to store the current location index and time for this to work. Get around that first as this needs to work for multiple players.
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    HashMap<String, Long> time = new HashMap<String, Long>();
    HashMap<String, Location> location = new HashMap<String, Location>();
    Would this be the proper way to store those two?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Fhbgsdhkfbl I would use UUID's instead.
    Now write a method that takes an UUID and teleports that person to the next location.
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    but after that one location, how would I make it teleport them to the next location after 15 seconds with the runnable? Thats the part I don't understand.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Fhbgsdhkfbl Don't look at the timer yet.
    You need to know the current and the next location of the tutorial.
    That is why I would use a counter instead of a location.
    The counter would just point to a list of locations
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    @timtower Would it be possible to have a list of coords and world names to teleport them to? And what exactly do you mean by "a counter" ?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Fhbgsdhkfbl List<Location>
    Currently at index 0,
    currently at index 1
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    So lets say
    I have this location "Location l = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 120, 100, -65);"
    and I make another one "Location a = new Location etc"
    Could I do it that way?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Fhbgsdhkfbl I suggest that you put them in a list instead.
    And make sure to do that in the onEnable so the world is loaded.
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    Would you suggest a repeating task or a delayed to do this? if repeating, I would have to cancel it right? And I still can't figure out how to do multiple locations in that list. I made a List like you said
    ArrayList<Location> location = new ArrayList<Location>();
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Fhbgsdhkfbl You are jumping ahead of things. Timer is not important yet, and yes: I do know that this is for timers.
    No need to cancel anything before the plugin gets disabled.
    You should know the current location and the next one.
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