Removing yourself from the essentials /list command

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by artish1, Aug 17, 2014.

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    i was looking through the essentials plugin and found out the way they do their /list command... although what i have seen was that they used the server.getPlayers(); method.

    Is there any way for me to remove myself from the essentials /list (BESIDES going vanished...)
    .I want myself to not be on that /list Even to other OPs/Admins, and i do not want to do /v or /vanish

    Or is there even any way to remove myself from the .getOnlinePlayers() list? (Hopefully, but i doubt it)
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    getOnlinePlayers is bukkit's playing players list. You should not attempt to modify it.
    Outside of modifying essentials code, your choice would be vanish state.
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