Removing playEffect?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Vextricity, Dec 27, 2014.

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                            p.playEffect(p.getLocation(), Effect.RECORD_PLAY, Material.getMaterial(2257));
    I put above how I played the music disk "cat" to a player. How would I go about removing the effect? I'm sure the solution is easy, but can somebody give me a hand?
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    @Vextricity You can't unless there is some packet you can send that stops it. Is 'RECORD_PLAY' a particle, or a sound?
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    Hmm, that kind of works, but the problem I'm getting there is that for some reason after a small amount of time it doesn't work. For example, if I play the music and then turn it off really fast, it will work, but if I wait a little bit it won't.
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