Removing < > from name tags

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by mrlwiggy, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hello everyone,

    I saw a plugin a few weeks ago that allowed you to remove the '< name >' from someone's name, but I cannot remember for the life of me the name of the plugin. Can anyone help?

  2. search a chat plugin and you are done.
  3. I would recommend mChat. I am using it on my server aswell.
  4. Offline


    I used to have mChat but it really bugged out badly.
    I'm currently using EssentialsChat, and I've removed the <> from the chat config, however it still doesn't work :<
  5. Offline


    Try Chatty(by me),
    really confusing, but powerful

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