Removing "Enabling Message"

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by PreFiXAUT, Feb 13, 2014.

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    Hi Guys, I'ld like to know if there's a way to remove the Default Enabling Message from Bukkit.
    When you don't know what I mean:
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    Default Enable Message:
    2014-02-13 17:31:12 [INFO] [Lobbys] Enabling Lobbys v1.0.0
    My one:
    2014-02-13 17:31:12 [INFO] [Lobbys] Starting: Lobbys v1.0.0-Beta
    2014-02-13 17:31:12 [INFO] [Lobbys] Enabling Lobbys v1.0.0-Beta
    2014-02-13 17:31:12 [INFO] [Lobbys] Starting: Lobbys v1.0.0-Beta

    I know I didn't change that much Text, but I'ld like to be able to change these Messages.
    Same is with the Disbale Message.
    Any Idea/Suggestion?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Offline


    Not sure if this work but at the onEnable the"thing has been Enabled!");
    change the text inside the "" to nothing
  3. jkjames6
    Or you could just remove the whole line. The problem is, that doesn't block the "Enabling plugin..." message.

    You could use some kind of output filter. A simple Google search can do a lot.
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