Filled Remove Text Achievements

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Famous Guy, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Offline

    Famous Guy

    Plugin category: Chat

    Suggested name: Remove Text Achievements

    What I want: A plugin to remove the text you get when you receive and achievement.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: none

    When I'd like it by: idk
    Ylar likes this.
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    Famous Guy
    1.7.2 Bukkit isn't out yet, so it is impossible.
    Edit: Excuse my ignorance -_-
    15987632 and Famous Guy like this.
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    15987632 and mattrick16 like this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Axanite, timtower and AndyMcB1 like this.
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    In the there is announce-player-achievements make it announce-player-achievements=false or just add it to the top of your
    Famous Guy likes this.
  7. Offline

    Famous Guy

    Thanks! I didn't see that there xD

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