Application RemoteToolkit - Restarts + crash detection + auto saves + remote console!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by drdanick, Jan 15, 2011.

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    Minecraft RemoteToolkit
    -Less downtime, more fun for your players, more power to you!

    Are you a Minecraft server administrator? Do you value up-time and stability? Do you fancy the ability to remotely control your server, both in-game and out of game, in a myriad of useful ways from a plethora of different devices?
    If you answered yes to any of the above, then the Minecraft RemoteToolkit is for you!

    What the Minecraft RemoteToolkit Plugin and Wrapper do for you:
    • Provides almost perfect server uptime with no need for action from an owner/administrator!
    • Have your server save and restart at any time period with configurable restart warnings!
    • The Toolkit guarantees a restart within the set restart period, even if your server crashes, becomes unresponsive, or encounters a "SEVERE" exception!
    • Remotely control every function of the Toolkit, even from your smart phone!
    • Full remote console access via telnet with support for multiple terminal types!
    • Telnet daemon conforms to current Telnet related RFCs!
    • Customizable alert messages!
    • Fully extendable though 3rd party modules!
    • Full feature set works with most craftbukkit builds!
    • Most features work with any Minecraft server variation, even vanilla!
    • Telnet can be disabled!
    For server administrators
    Download - Release 10, Alpha 15.3 [CB 1.7.2-R0.2] (wget friendly)
    Instructions & Documentation

    For developers
    UDP API REV 8 | Documentation
    Module API | Coming soon!

    For everyone
    Official IRC channel
    #remotetoolkit @

    "Help! I've downloaded it, but I do not know how to get it working!"
    Stop! Before you give up or ask for help, make sure you have read the step-by-step installation instructions on the wiki page. If you are still having problems, please do not be hesitant to post a request for help on this thread or in the IRC channel - no matter how simple your problem seems.


    Any donation would be very much appreciated. I'm but a poor University student, and I sacrifice quite a lot of unpaid time to keep the Toolkit updates and support flowing.

    Thank you to the following who have chosen to support the Toolkit through a donation:
    Deren909, marshall007, Vittek, clanslots, meee, KyneSilverhide, szoller, hungoverfurball, Lama_0, Viet, acc1dent, joby890, Liger_XT5
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
  2. Offline


    ok. I accidentally missed the part that said to put the toolkit plugin jar in the plugins folder. Though, the instructions never said anything about a port needing to be opened. I'll try applying those fixes.
  3. Offline


    12.06 04:15:41 [Server] INFO Starting UDP listen server on port 25561
    12.06 04:15:41 [Server] INFO ERROR: There was an issue binding the UDP server to port 25561.
    12.06 04:15:41 [Server] INFO Attempting to refresh UDP server in 1 minute...

    Yes, the port is correctly opened.
  4. Offline


    How would I stop the server when it auto restarts?
  5. Offline


    When do you start getting these errors and how long does it last for? Usually, this is not a problem. My first suggestion would be to change the port in from 25561 to something else. Then, it'd probably be a good idea to check that no other instances of the toolkit are running (don't use htop to check this, it tends to show inactive processes).

    Enter .stopwrapper in the console.
    This, along with all the other toolkit specific console commands are documented on the wiki page. I suggest you have a read through the commands section, there is quite a lot that can be configured via the console.
  6. Offline


    It happens when starting the server. The error seems to disappear after some time (but the UDP server still doesn't work)

    "fuser -n udp 25561" shows no running processes.

    EDIT: It seems to startup correctly now, but when trying to connect with PuTTY, this error appears: (read from bottom-to-top)
    12.06 08:49:42 [Server] INFO INFO: cleanupClosed():: Removing closed connection Thread[Connection3,5,]
    12.06 08:49:42 [Server] INFO Jun 12, 2011 8:49:42 AM cleanupClosed
    12.06 08:49:39 [Server] INFO INFO: connection #1 made.
    12.06 08:49:39 [Server] INFO Jun 12, 2011 8:49:39 AM makeConnection
    12.06 08:49:29 [Server] INFO Server player list (2/30): effy889 <UC>Joejoejoemo
    12.06 08:49:29 [Disconnect] User effy889 has disconnected, reason: disconnect.quitting
    12.06 08:49:29 [Server] INFO Connection reset
    12.06 08:49:25 [Server] INFO WorldGuard: 1 regions loaded for 'rpg'
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO INFO: cleanupClosed():: Removing closed connection Thread[Connection2,5,]
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO Jun 12, 2011 8:49:10 AM cleanupClosed
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at Source)
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.lockInterruptibly(
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquireInterruptibly(
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO java.lang.InterruptedException
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO Error writing to shell!
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at Source)
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at com.drdanick.McRKit.Telnet.TelnetIOInputStream.readLine(
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at Source)
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at Source)
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at Source)
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO     at
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO Unexpected error in shell!
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO INFO: connection #1 made.
    12.06 08:49:10 [Server] INFO Jun 12, 2011 8:49:10 AM makeConnection
    The server crashes shortly after.
  7. Offline


    PuTTY tends to have issues from time to time. I'll boot into my copy of windows and see if I can replicate this. How exactly does the server crash? Do you get any errors? Does the toolkit itself crash, or just the minecraft server process?
  8. Offline


    Actually, it seems to be working perfectly now. Not sure what I did, but it works!
  9. Offline


    I'm actually seeing issues where old telnet connections aren't being recycled properly when the connection is not closed using the ctrl+d binding. Did you make any telnet connections prior to it crashing?
  10. Offline


    Yes, it threw an error when I checked the port with this website.
    When I tried to connect to it via PuTTY, it threw another error and crashed. After that, it seems to be solved. Funny.
  11. Offline


    Ah, thanks for that link, i'll see if I can replicate the issue. For now, i've corrected the issue where old connections aren't recycled in some cases. I've updated the download link to point to the new version.

    EDIT: Updated again. Suppressed some of the errors that are printed when Telnet clients disconnect. Also fixed issues with some shells remaining registered with the toolkit, even though the connection is no longer active.
  12. Offline


    is there any way to get the server so it restarts every 20 minutes(sorry im a noob)
  13. Offline


    Thanks this has worked perfectly. No issues using the UDP client from the same machine but then, I applied the fixes first so... *shrug*
  14. Offline


    Great, thanks! I'll give it a try!
  15. Offline


    Hey Dr, I've got a somewhat complex set of startup options for java GC and the toolkit doesn't seem to like them. Any suggestions?
    extra-runtime-arguments=java -Xincgc -Xms3096M -Xmx3096M -XX\:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX\:+UseParNewGC -XX\:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX\:ParallelGCThreads\=2 -XX\:+AggressiveOpts -Djline.terminal\=jline.UnsupportedTerminal -jar craftbukkit.jar
    Edit, nevermind I after playing with it for a bit I figured out its not space-separated XD

  16. Offline


    i reinstall with a windows 2k3 server enterprise edition (xp modified xD) and now work perfectly the start and restart of the server. weird...
  17. Offline


    Ok another question. Is there any way you could add a log to say what user has connected? I mean you should already have them tacked as a user so it should be fairly simple to log their actions as well right?

    This is something I'd really like to see, especially because one of my mods stopped the server accidentally and I have no way of checking who it was.
  18. Offline


    Logging will definitely be implemented from the ground up with Release 11, and most likely will include per-user logging options.
  19. Offline


    Just emailed my server host asking if I can somehow use this plugin and they replied with this:
    Is it possible for you to do this or not?
  20. Offline


    Hey i been having a problem for a while now whenever i do .stop or /stop the server gets rolled back like 10-40 min
  21. Offline


    does it shutdown correctly, it should say in the console it's saving all chunks, if not, you may need to manually call a save-all before shutting down
  22. Offline


    This is what i sometimes get
    21:00:31 [INFO] Saving chunks
    21:00:31 [INFO] java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException
    21:00:31 [INFO] Stopping server
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end(
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at io.FileUtils.doCopyFile(
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(
    21:00:31 [INFO]         at io.FileUtils.copyDirectory(
    21:00:31 [INFO] Saving chunks
  23. Offline


    The main component of this is a Java based wrapper, not a .bat. Inform them that all you need is the ability to change which jar is executed upon startup, and how much ram is allocated. You can also tell them that they are free to get in contact with me if need be.
    And to answer the actual question: The wrapper is needed for the plugin component to work. There is no way around this.

    You should not be using that command to restart the server. Use .restart from the console, or /restartsrv from in-game. Those rollbacks appear to be an issue with bukkit, not with the wrapper, so it matters which shutdown commands you use. All the toolkit controlled restart/hold/shutdown commands force a save-all before restarting.
  24. Offline


    I keep getting this error, what am i doing wrong?
    Minecraft Remote Toolkit R10 Alpha 10.21
    Loading toolkit properties...Done.
    Loading toolkit modules...Done.
    Wrapper is running on: Windows Vista 6.0 x86
    Starting wrapper...
    Starting UDP listen server on port 25561
    18-Jun-2011 13:12:51 run
    INFO: Listening to Port 25,561 with a connectivity queue size of 5.
    Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\Billy2\Desktop\bukkit\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSH
    Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\Billy2\Desktop\bukkit\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSH
    Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\Billy2\Desktop\bukkit\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSH

    Minecraft Remote Toolkit R10 Alpha 10.21
    Loading toolkit properties...Done.
    Loading toolkit modules...Done.
    Wrapper is running on: Windows Vista 6.0 x86
    Starting wrapper...
    Starting UDP listen server on port 25561
    18-Jun-2011 13:12:51 run
    INFO: Listening to Port 25,561 with a connectivity queue size of 5.
    Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\Billy2\Desktop\bukkit\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSH
  25. Offline


    It looks like you didn't specify the name of your craftbukkit jar correctly. Can you post the body of
  26. Offline


    #Minecraft Remote Toolkit Properties File
    #Sat Jun 18 13:12:51 BST 2011
  27. Offline


    Ah, you'll need the .jar suffix.
    Try this:

  28. Offline


    Works now! Thanks very much i appreciate it!
  29. Offline

    Colby l

    when i use this plugin my CPU jumps dramatically, lagging the other servers on my dedi box. am i doing something wrong or is it suppose to take large amounts of CPU? Is there anything i can do to lower the CPU? Because i love this plugin and there is no other plugin that let me do this but if the CPU is too high, then i cant use it.
  30. Offline


    No, this is extremely unusual. Can you give me details about the environment the toolkit is running under?
    -What version of Java are you using? (java -version in a terminal)
    -What operating system are you using?
    -How much ram have you allocated to your server, and how much is available before running the minecraft server? --How many players are on your server when you notice this happening?
    -Is the CPU usage noticeably high after just starting the server, or is it only after time has passed?

    Sorry for the barrage of questions, but this is quite unusual, and I will need a lot of information to figure out what's going on, I consider this to be a serious issue. I may write a stripped down wrapper that only contains what's needed to start the server. That way, I can rule out the problem as being with Java's child-processs system.
  31. Offline

    Colby l

    No Problem ill answer what needs to be answered to resolve this issue.
    1st: I have the latest version plus the SDK
    2nd: I am using Windows Server 2008 Standard
    3rd: 4GB total and 1 other server up for TF2 using 200k
    4th: Anywhere from 3 Players to 17 players
    5th: After a few minutes, chunks take longer to load, and the RAM jumps to over 1 Mil
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