Solved Regular World Generation in an area...

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MOMOTHEREAL, Dec 24, 2013.

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    I am searching how I can generate a regular "piece" of world in a specified area, like a random map of "The Walls" or "Levels PVP".
    If you don't know these games, what I am searching for is to have a large bedrock cube, with inside a normal-like world, but only inside it.
    I would like to have it random so people can't have a route to ores.
    Any tutorials on this subject? Anyone experienced that?

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    Regular but changed as you like... I don't think it might be achieved without creating your own generator that is based on the original one.
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    Where do I need to start? :p
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    You could rewrite whole generator by looking how is it done in Minecraft (decompilation). Anyway it's that hard I don't think anyone can do this, so it requires so much effort. I would think about any other method. Just thinking about catching ChunkLoadEvent, get chunks copy and paste them in your cubes. Many ways to achieve this, some better, some worse.
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    Chlorek A lot of servers do this kind of thing...
    You are sure it is the only method?
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    If they use REAL REGULAR WORLD then I think yes, however you could generate such cubes with environement by yourself, I mean generating some stone with grass on top of it is pretty easy, but it's just simple custom generator. If it is all you want then it is enough.
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    Chlorek Man, thank you so much, I just found an idea.
    What I'm thinking is, as you said, generating a basic grass on top of stone, and then replace some of the stone with randomized ores at randomized locations.
    Solved :)
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