Register Api Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Deathmarine, Nov 3, 2011.

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    Alright so I'm working my first plugin and I'm attempting to use the register api to subtract from an account however I'm getting a null pointer after converting string argument to double. I've used many different ways of converting it however. I believe the issue is from the method I'm trying to use to subtract from the account. Does anyone have a allinone dummy subtract Method that I could possibly try? I'm just in the process of adding features at the moment. I currently have the Method onEnable and Disable. All that abstract is messing with my head.
  2. Offline


    I think it will be easier for us if we have a part of the source code ;)
  3. Maybe post the error and the method that causes the error?
  4. I'd rather use the Vault API, it's much easier.
    desht likes this.
  5. Offline


    I took the advice and switched to vault but I'm having an issue with converting a string argument to a double and not getting a nullpointer. However economy.withdraw(String p, Double amt); is easier then creating a method through register. Just making sense of the abstract coding was irrating.
    //Command Sender
    public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
    String commandName = command.getName().toLowerCase(); String[] trimmedArgs = args;
    return fine(sender, trimmedArgs); //NullPointer
    boolean fine(CommandSender sender, String[] args){
    boolean auth = false;
    Player player =
    String admin =
    if (sender instanceof Player){
    player = (Player)sender;
    if (Permissions.Security.permission(player, "ultraban.fine")) auth = true;
    admin = player.getName(); }
    auth =
    if (!auth){
    RED + "You do not have the required permissions.");
    return true;
    }//FUNCTIONING Permissions DON'T Touch
    if (args.length < 1) return false; String p = args[0];
    if(autoComplete) p = expandName(p);
    Player victim =
    boolean broadcast = true;
    String amt ="0"; //set default string
    (args.length > 1){
    if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("-s")){ //Attempt to hide punishments
    String amt = args[2]; broadcast =

    String amt = args[1];
    } }
    //Tried all of these
    //Double amt = parseFine(amtd);
    //float amtd = (Float.valueOf(amt) ).floatValue();
    //Double amt = Double.valueOf(amtd);
    //Double amtd = Double.parseDouble(amt);
    //String amt = String.valueOf(amtd);
    if(victim != null){ //cant use(victim.isOnline())null pointer
    if(broadcast = false){ //If silent wake his ass up
    "blahblah"); }else{
    economy.withdrawPlayer(p,amtd); //new nullpointer (string, double)
    GRAY + "Player must be online!");
    return true;
    }//something to that extent and yah I write alot of notes, still kinda learning

    Wow formatting fail... Any ideas? the amount or (amt) variables can go either way I tried several different ways and even created a method to Convert and still No dice.. is there a standard way to convert from string to double or am I missing something
    The command goes as /fine {player} {amount}

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  6. Offline


    Double.parseDouble() should work fine there. Be sure to catchNumberFormatException. What isn't working, exactly?
  7. Offline


    Well I guess the boiled the problem down to

    economy.withdrawPlayer(String, Double);

    I keep getting a nullpointer off this line, that and the exception from running the command. Now my biggest problem is that Vault (which I haven't fully checked the source) requires the player to be in a string format and the amount to withdraw to be double. Which after further study of the all knowing Oracle site. I'm using the

    double amtd = Double.valueOf(amt.trim());
    I'm also having it catch for NumberFormatExceptions leaving a nice message to type a number next time.

    //Thanks desht forgot about that.

    and even using Math.abs(amtd) for the absolute value of the double.
    So I think it might be with the Player in string format.

    I'm trying to use p.getName() or victim.toString() but I'm not sure how to parse the variable to be a usable format for Vault.
  8. Your economy is null, that's why you get the NPE.
  9. Offline


    public static Economy economy;
    (class from vault)
  10. Your declaration doesn't help, you need to call this method

    2. private Boolean setupEconomy()
    3. {
    4. RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> economyProvider = getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy.class);
    5. if (economyProvider != null) {
    6. economy = economyProvider.getProvider();
    7. }
    9. return (economy != null);
    10. }

    somewhere in onEnable() and also add a dependency for Vault.
  11. Offline


    Gotcha.... booting eclipse and hoping for the best. Pretty sure I was using something to the effect onEnable but I'll most likely need the method. I'll let you know the outcome. I do know its registering iConomy 6.

    Wow..... Pandemoneus worked like a charm. That method was the link that I was missing.
    then a simple.
    double amtd = Double.valueOf(amt.trim()); //Amount Trimmed
    economy.withdrawPlayer(victim.toString(), Math.abs(amtd)); //Amount Absolute Value
    and WHAMMY.. Appreciations are in order. Now I'm getting one step closer to completing this thing and releasing.

    Now I must do alot of cleaning. I put way to many Notes.

    Well maybe not like a charm. Still doesn't withdraw the amt however no NPE's I'll figure out the issue... should be simple from here.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
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