i want a plugin when enter the command removes clear all players inventory (items , armor, effects potions remove fire) and then gives them specific items note : - players in the same world who issued the command - command in config - items in config permission: admin.clean version 1.8.8
Didn't fully understand what you meant in your notes, but you can try the plugin attached. https://github.com/Dafydd7/ClearAll
yes i need the plugin ty btw the items can be enchanted - DIAMOND_PICKAXE efficiency 2 - DIAMOND_AXE efficiency 3 if possible in the same plugin can you make the enchantment description has custom name like "&f&kiiiiiiii" for all the slots
thank you man! the plugin is working but there is some stuff i will explain - when i send the command it applies for all the players in the same worlds + the player who sent the command - i want command alternative in config - can i add enchantment to the items? thats it